Larger Buds-Smaller growth>

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I have several plants that different buds are more mature on. I was told I could cut the most mature leaving the less mature ones could be left on to grow to full maturity? Sound accurate?

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
They are large Indica Kola's and the main branch is more mature. 5 other are forming Kola's as well but look to be a couple weeks behind. I should not cut the main Kola's stem to get one large bud but the smaller bud stems that surround the large Kola's smaller branches?
if you could try and not cut any branches look at the buds close up there is a spot to cut it away from the stem and leave the stem complete and naked

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
Fhanks again. I assume this means you don't cut the whole stalk but just the small individual buds that make up the Kola. I do leave the plain empty stalk rather than cut it down completely?


New Member
He means leave a liitle bit of the bud stem on the stem your cutting it off of. Leave a nubbin, don't cut flush.


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure what kind of lighting system you're using, but you might be able to try this.....If you don't want to cut anything, you might be able rotate your plant so that the smaller mains are getting pounded with the most intense light. They'll start to fill out and catch up to the biggest one, without cutting anything. It's surprising what a couple extra 1000 lumens can do. :)

Swisher Sweet

Active Member
I Have been rotating the plants to try and even the bud growth . Unfortunately this worked on some plants but two Kolas are significantly farther along. Thanks for all the input (extremely helpful).