dwight smokum
Active Member
thanks a lot..i recently switched from soil to hydro and that has been drivin me crazy about the ph...sorry bout yer hermies
I would get rid of the ones that Hermied. Especially if you didnt screw up to cause it. Dont waste time growing it again.
Had a Black Domina hermie due to crazy light cycle a few years back and decided to keep the beans. Some of them are mutant that still produce, some are definite KEEPERS and show best characteristics of any plant in the garden.
Surely not all will be lost even if the sacks popped. Keep chuggin along buddy...
F*ckin' rock balls! Talk about a difference a week can make. I'm super happy for you AP!
That AO is looking beautiful. Mine is still vegging, but it's 2' tall now. I think I am going one more week, since I topped it again yesterday. I will take a few cuttings before I go to flower. I will be growing under my new LED light. It and a Chernobyl under 500w.