Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Active Member
there is no bigger satisfaction from growing from seed,finding a great pheno and cloning and crossing...not everyone lives in cali where they can get clone takes a better grower imo to search out a strain by planting multiple seeds than it does to flower a clone only


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I vote for the big seed you already have! We need to get together and talk story soon. Photobucket finally cut me off - I knew it was coming and I am amazed I was able to post so many pictures. I went pro and now my pics are back up. I was on my Yahoo web hosting account last night and I noticed two things. I had been a customer since April 2004, and they still had me paying for some prehistoric web hosting setup. I changed to unlimited everything and it has that blogging system you keep talking about - word something. I think I am going to go the blog direction also. Something Surf/Skate/Beach oriented maybe.


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I vote for the big seed you already have! We need to get together and talk story soon. Photobucket finally cut me off - I knew it was coming and I am amazed I was able to post so many pictures. I went pro and now my pics are back up. I was on my Yahoo web hosting account last night and I noticed two things. I had been a customer since April 2004, and they still had me paying for some prehistoric web hosting setup. I changed to unlimited everything and it has that blogging system you keep talking about - word something. I think I am going to go the blog direction also. Something Surf/Skate/Beach oriented maybe.
Yup, I'm a Photobucket slave. The seed does beckon. I'm just trying hard to remember if the bud it came from was dank enough to bother. Must concentrate... Lol.

Hey, I apologize for taking so long to start the blog. Why the fuck don't I just start? A five year old could start a blog for free with just a few mouse clicks, right? Right. But I really want it to be more than just a cookie-cutter cheesy template thing, so I'm taking the time to get Wordpress going. What's a few more days? Let me get something halfway decent put together before I spooge all over the internet. Once it's up, though, I think the blog might serve as a good "safety net" when RIU goes down, huh? Which is very rarely, of course.


Well-Known Member
Meow, the 39 pound cat has passed away due to respiratory complications. Poor baby.

Man, and I thought Anton was a fatty.


Well-Known Member

These stupid people jacked me so bad. I sent them a seed order and my complimentary coffee cup and edible underwear never came as promised!


Well-Known Member
Boy, Jin sure is good at re-posting articles from other websites. Okay, guilty as charged. But the thing is, not everything will incite me to rant, though many things incite me to re-post. But I finally found something cannabis related that irks me enough to write about. Okay, so it's editorial time.

This here article I found at SF Weekly really got me thinking about a topic that's been on my mind for some time. Pot and pro sports -- And more specifically pot and the NFL.

Interesting read. Read it all here:
Is Marijuana Like Steroids?

So WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency) has a problem with pot, huh? What else is new? And though American pro sports leagues don't fall under WADA jurisdiction, cannabis and cannabis users are still black-balled by their various regulatory entities.

Two cases take me back to my beloved, short-lived Los Angeles Raiders... Yes, Oaklanders, they were ours for a while as much as you guys try to forget it. And yes, they sucked most of their time down in LA. But I digress. The two cases in point I'm thinking about are the great defensive end, Greg Townsend:

And the USC great and Raider not-so-great, Todd Marinovich (his off field antics would later earn him the hilarious nickname Todd Marijuanavich -- Check it out, Number 13 Whoo hoo!):

And number 12... Not so Whoo hoo.

I can't decide which word best describes the pro sports industry in the US. Evil or Wicked? These hypocritical assholes care about athletics and competition only about four or five steps below monetary profit. NFL players juice it up every fucking day on steroids, but take one puff of a joint and you get suspended? Fuck that. That's why I stopped watching that shit long, long ago.

But then one can't help but notice that the mentality towards cannabis in the pro sports world mirrors perfectly the "marijuana witch hunt" that rages to this day in every corner of every industrialized nation. The stupid, contrived paradox rages forth: Everybody loves it and uses it, but since the established societal structures of most places still attach a stygma (variant of stigma) to it, we're still "witches and warlocks" to a great extent. Hey, whatever. I've always been a freak and an outsider wherever I go, so I'm used to it. But knowing this, I never cherished any illusions of becoming an "establishment professional" and certainly not a "public servant." Because I know full well that the "establishment" would openly denounce me while they light their joints behind closed doors.

Fuck all that. And fuck the NFL.


Well-Known Member
I'm really thinking about stepping forward. See, I was molested by John last year when I went over to his hotel room to give him a massage. Sick, sick man.

"Mr. Travolta, no... no... put that thing away! This isn't full release!"


Well-Known Member
outstanding art work,lol.damn RIU needs to fix this crap.i'm not payin no dues,i thot that was the deal or is it?


Well-Known Member
yea its cool, jus been tryin to upload pics for 2 days.kinda frustrating.or is it jus my computer.say bro how do yu upload larger pics like u did?thanx.rdr.


Well-Known Member
nice boobie shots Jin :) just what i need to start the day yuuuumy! nearly flower time for me!! cut some clones yesterday, now i just gotta wait, bug fogging the room again, make sure the room is clear of any critters. i found a couple of white fly eggs i may have missed. the little shits are persistent and can hide