Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)

I just switched to flowering ill get a journal going for my next run which is going to be hydro/soil side by side grow...

You're one of our magazine's featured growers. What do you think of that, Cali-boy? Flowamasta, too. Each grower will have a 'wrestler nickname.' Flowamasta will be 'the Thunder from Down Under." Lol.
I just gotta say brah, oh no not the gangster hackers brah. I mean Brah, brah. Right Brah, cuz brah they r prob drinkin a 40 of Ole E in the hood right now brah, on a stolen, outdated laptop brah, but brah you better look out brah LoL and im sure their middle school drop out hackers can prob outsmart your Asian, ivy league college graduate hackers LOL :roll:

And gangster thug hackers, where are your superfine naked hotties? Oh thats right Brah, you dont have any brah, cuz they would be scared to see you in a dark alley at night brah. I guarantee Jin has 1,000,000% (Thats 1 million for you gangster thug hackers {which is more blunts and 40's than you and your homies drink & smoke in a year}) more of a chance of hitting something like that 6 days a week then you will in your entire life you fool. I guess you prob think Heffner dosent get any either cuz "he's old & ugly fool, brah" LOLOLOLOL

Go start your own page about how to smoke crack rocks in da hood thug hackers.
Sounds good maybe I can squeeze it in with some of my stem cell research...

Cali boy yes!! Formerly EAST L.A...
There really is no need for apologies Jin Kim COO of Fem Cut.. In reality this is the internet and people on here don't pay my bills so im not to worried neither should you be. In business speaking from expierence the larger you get the more haters start to come which is a sign of success the more haters the bigger your getting. Like Katt Williams says let them haters hate its their job and if you have 10 haters you better have 11 by the end of the day, he said something like that.

Now back to weed... how about you clone me a little fellow from that tahoe ay?

Hey, you really know how to get on my good side without trying too hard. I appreciate that immensely.

But I have been getting a little out of control... Lol. (understatement of the year)
I just gotta say brah, oh no not the gangster hackers brah. I mean Brah, brah. Right Brah, cuz brah they r prob drinkin a 40 of Ole E in the hood right now brah, on a stolen, outdated laptop brah, but brah you better look out brah LoL and im sure their middle school drop out hackers can prob outsmart your Asian, ivy league college graduate hackers LOL :roll:

And gangster thug hackers, where are your superfine naked hotties? Oh thats right Brah, you dont have any brah, cuz they would be scared to see you in a dark alley at night brah. I guarantee Jin has 1,000,000% (Thats 1 million for you gangster thug hackers {which is a really big number to you so dont worry it means a lot}) more of a chance of hitting something like that 6 days a week then you will in your entire life you fool. I guess you prob think Heffner dosent get any either cuz "he's old & ugly fool, brah" LOLOLOLOL

Go start your own page about how to smoke crack rocks in da hood thug hackers.

Lol. I'm starting to like you. REP.
Natural sales person.. I sell myself plus my confidence is pretty high since I walked on fire... Yup that's right walked on Fire... and yes i paid couple Hundred to do it... A couple means 3 or more for those that don't know...
Sounds good maybe I can squeeze it in with some of my stem cell research...

Cali boy yes!! Formerly EAST L.A...

I'm starting a local grower network to feature real-time on my site. I need people like you.

Natural sales person.. I sell myself plus my confidence is pretty high since I walked on fire... Yup that's right walked on Fire... and yes i paid couple Hundred to do it... A couple means 3 or more for those that don't know...

You did Firewalk? Crazy...
Yup with Chuck Liddell in the pit down from me...
Anything you need let me know... im always willing to help...
You're one of our magazine's featured growers. What do you think of that, Cali-boy? Flowamasta, too. Each grower will have a 'wrestler nickname.' Flowamasta will be 'the Thunder from Down Under." Lol.

lol, i lke it alot, man this thread is lke a chatroom today
Yup with Chuck Liddell in the pit down from me...
Anything you need let me know... im always willing to help...

I need Chuck Liddell... that's who I need. Lol. I want to make enough money to hire him as my personal trainer and bodyguard one day. I want the bodyguard that can beat up all other bodyguards.

Appreciate it, gents. I won't forget you three for what you did.

And tonight's update is also dedicated to the Mighty Chuck Liddell... just because he scares me shitless.
that tahoe is gorgeous i really want that cut... Jin is it me or are you high on your pic -_-... jk... ive been holding that in..
Jin you cant compare my camera phone photo skills, to your professional photography Canon Rebel shit... lol.. I think ill just stand over here now Jin just put my photo to
Now I have to chime in cause it sounds like this fool might start bad mouthing PO, and I have to preemptively crush him - I am a huge fan of that place. Seriously why waste time/effort cloning when you can get clones from a place like that? Too bad I live so far away...and I'm going to agree with Jin that that guys mother room doesn't look all that impressive anyways...

Anyways I still am obsessed with your grow, despite all the haters that have infiltrated's a pic of my tahoe from PO at day 49 flower, definitely the best og kush I've ever grown

Edit: abortion survivor...heh