Larry OG vs. Tahoe OG in Dual Monster Plant System (2nd Scrog)


Well-Known Member
My annoying-ass roommate, the roommate who has been driving me batty for over a year, finally started moving out her shit! It looks like she has a bunch of her shit still left to move, but the important thing is that her bed is gone... meaning she won't be sleeping here another night! Whoo hoo! I can't tell you how happy this makes me! Drinks all around!

Now I just have the one cool roommate who is totally cool with me turning the place into a studio and me doing my grow/blog thing! Now I can really, really start growing. See? I told you I had a few loose ends to tie up.


Well-Known Member
Oh my God! She's gone! She's gone! She's gone!

You have no idea how happy I am right now! That's it! Grow city! I finally feel free to pursue my next grow at complete ease! I'm also gonna turn my apartment into a porn studio! I mean a photo studio! Lol!


Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I have a couple Malawi clones that should be ready in a few weeks.....

I would love to see you do your magic on one of these. I need an LJ wattage light - thank God for the sun!



Well-Known Member
Hey LJ - I have a couple Malawi clones that should be ready in a few weeks.....

I would love to see you do your magic on one of these. I need an LJ wattage light - thank God for the sun!

Wow, thanks for updating. You have a pretty green thumb there. That outdoor plant is bursting beautiful in the sunlight. Love that natural growth!

Seriously? I'm walking on air since my roommate cleared out. It still hasn't sunk in yet. I got up this morning and momentarily forgot and was reminded pleasantly of her absence and my new tranquility and freedom. Awesome. A bad roommate can really mess you up.... I had it going on for more than a year. That idiot was under my roof for three grows! That's how you know a roommate has stayed way too fucking long.

But enought of that. I really feel better about every little thing I do now, and I feel like there's nothing I can't do! It's all coming together: Pain-in-the- ass roommate gone, communicating with Chrissy and Carly about shooting soon, getting my next grow together. Ah, life is good.

I would love to try a landrace, but sativas scare the shit out of me! Lol.


Well-Known Member
I am sure you would grow the best ever seen!
You're far too kind to me.

how do you like these knockers sweet cakes? Lord how i have missed you.
Hello, Doctor! Love the new avatar! How nice to see you here again. Doesn't happen often enough imo.

Thats disturbing Dr. :p

day 18 Jin ;) getting there!

Hi, FM. Wow, how nice to see three of my favorite Rollers all on one page! Good day for me. Your grow is amazing again. And the fact that you pretty much pulled another mature budding plant out of your sleeve is simply amazing. You really inspire me to get my shit together with regard to the blog. I'm almost there.

And a general note to anyone reading:

I'm really enthusiastic about starting everything up... the grow/ the photo shoots/ the blog... And just so you guys aren't in the dark about anything, here is a specific timeline. I will have my budget in place right around June 15. So the day I get my funds in place is the day I get things going...and going BIG. I know I've made promises to start sooner, but I want to do this thing right. So please, please, please bear with me just a little longer. You will NOT be disappointed!!!


Well-Known Member

Ha! fooled you. It's just a usb flash drive made to look like my camera!

4GB. 15 bux. Come on, buy it for me.


Well-Known Member

After almost seven weeks of curing, the shit has finally hit its peak in potency and flavor. Wow. I'm way higher than I was getting last week or the week before. The magic of the cure. Love it.

Don't I feel just a little bit guilty sitting here and getting high while everyone else works so hard on their grows?

Believe it or not, I do feel a touch of guilt. Lol.

That's why I have to smoke so much weed.

To drown out my guilt. Lol.


Well-Known Member

Aside from simply wanting to post these photos, I think you all know where I stand on the topic of breastfeeding?

Not only do I support breastfeeding, I LOVE it. And look at National Guard member Terran McCabe hitting the double whammy. Awesome.

There seems to be some controversy concerning the 'propriety' of military moms nursing in uniform. So these uniforms are to be worn for taking lives only? No giving life? Is the image of a cold killing maching all the military is interested in?

And what strikes a stronger image than the mother fiercely protecting her child? No one will fight harder than a mother protecting her child. That's real strength. That's real leadership. Get you heads out of your asses, military critics.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
OMG i wanna suck on those budS. this is such a sexy journal. smokin schmokin smokin hot. why was your roomate moving out? i hope you find a new one soon.
your so funny and entertaining lordjin anyone would be lucky to have you for a roomate!