70's natureboy
Well-Known Member
I have been growing for 25 years and the only bugs I ever had to deal with was spider mites. I have never seen or heard of these things before. I have done a lot of searching about this and found that these are most likely fungus gnat larvae and to just use some Mosquito Dunks and the problem will go away. I have also seen a lot of threads that Mosquito Dunks don't work at all. They sure don't work at all for me. I get pissed and spray them with pyrethrin before I dump and wash my buckets every few days. I put my plant in a clean bucket with fresh nute mix and a 1/4 of a crushed mosquito dunk and in a couple days they are floating on top of the water again. I suppose the roots are already infested. I spray them too but not too much.
The weird thing about it is that I never ever see an adult gnat anywhere. Is there some other larvae that lives on top of the water and looks like fine sawdust? I have other plants in pro mix and I have dug through the root ball right after harvest while they are still wet and can't find any larvae or bugs in the pro mix. I will probably make it through this crop and will clean everything and buy a new bale of pro mix. I am just amazed that there isn't some miracle chemical I can use to kill the tiny bastards without hurting my plants. We can put a man on the moon but we don't have a decent chemical to kill these things? I am beyond blaming where they came from I just need to get rid of them. I hope you experts can help me figure this out. Thanks.
The weird thing about it is that I never ever see an adult gnat anywhere. Is there some other larvae that lives on top of the water and looks like fine sawdust? I have other plants in pro mix and I have dug through the root ball right after harvest while they are still wet and can't find any larvae or bugs in the pro mix. I will probably make it through this crop and will clean everything and buy a new bale of pro mix. I am just amazed that there isn't some miracle chemical I can use to kill the tiny bastards without hurting my plants. We can put a man on the moon but we don't have a decent chemical to kill these things? I am beyond blaming where they came from I just need to get rid of them. I hope you experts can help me figure this out. Thanks.