Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
:joint:man, what a killer set of images you just presented Las. Thanks for going back in time to pull those beautiful pictures up. I remember them, espcially the mop bucket babe with the sick root system. The rooms looks so intoxicatingly deliciously smokey!
I could go for a piece of that cheese mint gum right about now. hahahahah
Your buds were soooo fuckin HUGE!!!!! and fat and heavy. That super lemon haze with the thick branches, damn wouldnt that be a beautiful tree for anyones garden.. amazing. Super Lemon Haze Tree farm, with lemon buds. Take a basket and pick as many buds as you want, ha, that would be a fun farm to visit.
I really do love the tent shots with the smokiness to them.. very atmospheric.
There is one photo that im curious about. ITs the tent shot, where you say"you set the fucker up?" just wondering what is that paper box thing in there?lol
looks like an empty chinese take out
:peace:Dr A Trichomes:joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I was gonna wait until friday when it's properly grown into the screen to show you las but fug it lol. Took a lot of inspiration from your grows and decided I needed to keep the fat one down so I've done it man. The beginning of the easyfingerez screen!


Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
fuk wowgrow!!!!!! a fingerez scrog going down..!!!!!!!! i had NO NO idea.. thats sick.. you better start posting your girls in my journal too dude! i wanna watch them fat bitches get stinky right alongside my auto blues too.


Well-Known Member
lol I only decided on it yesterday doc! knew I needed something drastic to keep her in check while the bearns catch up! I will post them in your thread too, not gonna stand up tall next to yours though ha. Should have a thread up in a couple weeks as well :D

Highlanders cave

Well-Known Member
youll have to take the roof off shortly!
Too funny man.....after you said that, I went and looked at the light and it can only go up about 6 more inches lol. And it's at 5.5 ft now, the top cola of the beast is about even with it!

Looking very cool WOW man, got your grow on! Thanks for the pics : !)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
thanks guys and girls :) really feeling it today lol getting back out there though. there was a big bush and the oldies (his mum and dad and the next door neighbor) where saying "na u'll never get it out" so me and my boy got stuck in soaking it with water letting it drain digging down a few inchs then repeating. we kept on leaving it and doing other bits for the water to soak in well and we got the fucker out in the end. well the rule of roots being the same size as the plant wasnt true for this fucker i'm telling ya.

good 2 prove the oldies wrong once in a while and showed them we aint afraid of a bit of graft ;)

have a good day ladies and gents, i'll be back later hopefully not to tired so i can reply to some of ur msgs :)


Well-Known Member
watch your back las! I fucked up my lower back BIG style last summer digging up a monster bush root, put me out of pretty much everything, even sleep for a week or so. I didnt have enough meds to self prescribe back then though haha, doubt you'd be troubled with the same problem!

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Holy smokes las man!!!!! lol...................It a jungle in there!!
Lookin good matey! whats your fave strain at the min??
haha is that a trick question? lemon haze of course always will be i think though to be fair :)

really tired back in the morning for some citty chat lmao :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
fuckin hell las, I never saw your tent at this stage! That is killer, just a field of buds man. Is your tent the DR150? or the 120? youve told me before but you know how it is with my memory haha. think we caught the same under nuting bug, butttttttttt it is a lot easier to give them more but not as easy to de-burn the leaves. you fancy sending me that email about your little incident, i just smoked a nice bit of psychosis and looks like im gonna be sat here a while lol

thanks a lot bro :) well at least we was undernuting rather than over doing it, much eaiser to work out and correct whats going on without to much trouble. was just in the tent pissing about (no not litraly weeing on the girls) and its proper STINKIN in there much more than the pic u bumped :)

Right now that would be me. I have them ranging from 1.5 to 5.5 ft. Have to keep raising the tables lol
yeah sorry i stand corrected friggin hight can be a pain :) was just having a shuffle and i potted the lemon in a 10L (taller) airpot and the blue in a 7L (shorter) well the lemon streches more than the blue so i'm about 8-10 inchs difference on my canopy. paint pots to the rescue with a small round tray underneath the plant pot :)

youll have to take the roof off shortly!
haha never had that problem, oh saying that that brick weed seed that got muddled up with the white widow (fail) would of took my roof of if i let it, wish i had a picture the thing was almost pure sativa thinking about it now lol

:joint:man, what a killer set of images you just presented Las. Thanks for going back in time to pull those beautiful pictures up. I remember them, espcially the mop bucket babe with the sick root system. The rooms looks so intoxicatingly deliciously smokey!
I could go for a piece of that cheese mint gum right about now. hahahahah
Your buds were soooo fuckin HUGE!!!!! and fat and heavy. That super lemon haze with the thick branches, damn wouldnt that be a beautiful tree for anyones garden.. amazing. Super Lemon Haze Tree farm, with lemon buds. Take a basket and pick as many buds as you want, ha, that would be a fun farm to visit.
I really do love the tent shots with the smokiness to them.. very atmospheric.
There is one photo that im curious about. ITs the tent shot, where you say"you set the fucker up?" just wondering what is that paper box thing in there?lol
looks like an empty chinese take out
:peace:Dr A Trichomes:joint::peace:
haha thats my thermometer on a wire??? is that what u mean? thats my girls by the way if thats what u mean. the big tent setup with the huge lemon beast in the back was a friends i helped setup then went back to check lol

I was gonna wait until friday when it's properly grown into the screen to show you las but fug it lol. Took a lot of inspiration from your grows and decided I needed to keep the fat one down so I've done it man. The beginning of the easyfingerez screen!

sweet brother nice one thats gonna be a hench bitch thats for sure :)

fuk wowgrow!!!!!! a fingerez scrog going down..!!!!!!!! i had NO NO idea.. thats sick.. you better start posting your girls in my journal too dude! i wanna watch them fat bitches get stinky right alongside my auto blues too.

lol I only decided on it yesterday doc! knew I needed something drastic to keep her in check while the bearns catch up! I will post them in your thread too, not gonna stand up tall next to yours though ha. Should have a thread up in a couple weeks as well :D
i recon it will look like docs but flattened ;)

Too funny man.....after you said that, I went and looked at the light and it can only go up about 6 more inches lol. And it's at 5.5 ft now, the top cola of the beast is about even with it!

Looking very cool WOW man, got your grow on! Thanks for the pics : !)
well u'll have 2 get the builders in then wont ya bro, extend the roof just over ur room hahaha

Cheers HC, watch this space, hopefully in a few weeks that tent should be full!
hopefully indeed bro :)

thanks guys and girls :) really feeling it today lol getting back out there though. there was a big bush and the oldies (his mum and dad and the next door neighbor) where saying "na u'll never get it out" so me and my boy got stuck in soaking it with water letting it drain digging down a few inchs then repeating. we kept on leaving it and doing other bits for the water to soak in well and we got the fucker out in the end. well the rule of roots being the same size as the plant wasnt true for this fucker i'm telling ya.

good 2 prove the oldies wrong once in a while and showed them we aint afraid of a bit of graft ;)

have a good day ladies and gents, i'll be back later hopefully not to tired so i can reply to some of ur msgs :)
piss of las ;)

good bit physical excercise now n then is great, bet your feeling it today man, nowt a good soak in the bath with a zoot wont fix tho ;)
yeah was feeling it yesterday evening just aching and that lol slogged the garden out though its fairly big with loads of bushes that needed attention. gonna be growing some chillis and stuff in his green house :) no weeds though lmao just veggies and that :)

watch your back las! I fucked up my lower back BIG style last summer digging up a monster bush root, put me out of pretty much everything, even sleep for a week or so. I didnt have enough meds to self prescribe back then though haha, doubt you'd be troubled with the same problem!
ahh the meds are running low but my mate gave me a nice few joints of cheese for helping out and theres just weed in a draw to skin up while we work, his mum and dad smoke but my mate gave up a few years ago lmao. food in the cuboards to eat and that, loads of drinks etc.

Holy smokes las man!!!!! lol...................It a jungle in there!!
Lookin good matey! whats your fave strain at the min??
been pondering this coment since last night bro lmao ;) out of the ones i've smoked so far i'd probs still say the lemon but let me grow these beauties out (livers psyco exodus dog) and i'll let u know. the lemon is good coz it gets u buzzing but u can still function and do stuff. when i smoke the blue cheese even at 8 weeks its "time 2 sit on ur arse for a while" really kicks my teeth in which is why i wanna keep it but dont wanna grow it all the time lol.

It's morning mo fucka. How do?
ay all is well mate gonna have a brew in a min ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
so ur all good then bro??? been missing on the butter now i know why ur misses pulls "that face" when u get the slow cooker out ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
love it wills ;) the joys of "married" life hahaha cant belive i nearly got my feet under the table with that girl recently. commitment, arrrggg run for the hills....... hahahaha

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
hahah i had a funny one with my lass the other day, she wants to move back in, i said id love you to darlin, but you know the deal, no moving back in then deciding you cant live with the op. so she said you'd choose the dope over me..... i said no love of course not. I'd just move out. mwhahahaaaaaahahahaaaa she wasnt impressed.


Well-Known Member
there's a balancing act in relationships i think, but you need to find the right lady to balance with first. i would be a bit pissed though if the wife told me I couldn't grow anymore, but at least I would still get to grow outside in the summer, there would be no denying that. hope you have a good weekend las.