So then, what dummy invented smart pots?
views/opinions please. seen a lot of sannies stuff over on the 600 and thinking about a purchase in the new year.
Looks great if you like sativa, I do, love it. My next grow is going to be a scrog with either four or five plants under a 36x68" screen, all sativa two of which will be from sannies, killing fields and shackzilla, can't wait, hope to have it up and running end of february beginning march.
A friend has a hericules going, I'll keep the thread posted.
yeah bro like my sativas, wanna try nevilles at some point when i've got my perpetual in full swing got me there....funny how they decided to move to Scotland.
like westy said the weather and the charming people like rab
Real funny D. lmfao!
hey does anyone in here use co2 lanterns????
how do you burn the bloody things????????????
nope sorry bro, u tried youtube search?
morning all
not working today but my body clock seems to think so lol. i've got about 2g of that cheese left and i'm not smoking anymore till christmas day lol. that stuff is not good for me during the day as i end up zoning out and dont get anything done. saying that i did clean half my fish tank, gonna finish it off 2day.
the yellowing on the blue cheese has stopped, hoping the colour will return like it did with the lemons.
have a good day folks