Las Fingerez Grow Journal - Various Strain Scrog

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
wow i've got goosebumps reading that about ur hometown. impressive post D :)

yeah i did see ur post about him before, my other mate who is into bikes has posted it as well so he's getting quite popular and to right people should recognise that tallent :) i'm not sure but it looks like he's got red bull sponcering now :) good on the lad, might as well get paid for something u like doing :)

i like the front flip at the start, thats some serious cahonas right there lol ;)

have a great day guys and girls :)


Well-Known Member
by all accounts he is a really nice guy as well!!! shock horror, someone with a bit of success that hasn't gone to his head. You to mate, ave a good un.


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
yeah there was some vid with him chatting on youtube i wanna watch but i got no sound on this old box with windows 7 on it lol. i wiped my "old" laptop with the cracked screen, i'm gonna connect that up in its place i think, its about twice as quick as this machine i'm using anyway lol :)


Well-Known Member
Watch it with IE9, it's a pile of gash, I guess it'll take ms some time to sort out all the glitches, the compatibility is crap though, and it crashes every other minute.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Watch it with IE9, it's a pile of gash, I guess it'll take ms some time to sort out all the glitches, the compatibility is crap though, and it crashes every other minute.
ie netscape mozzila aint gonna help with this one unfortunatly bro, theres no driver support for win 7 for the old skool onboard sound, cant find the riser card and my normal pci sound card physicly wont fit unless i remove a chip from the mother board or a section of the pci card hahaha ;) all i've gotta do is move the laptop across the room and connect it to the moniter i'm using now, just got more important things to be getting on with lol :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
sorry boss just putting one out then i'll get str8 on it ;) i moved the laptop and watched the vid again, so much better with the music, the music is perfectly in time for his style :) need 2 watch the interview at some point :)

the lemon is starting to lean over :) lol its never done that before so i dont put the 4 x 6 inch mesh over the top to hold it up like the cheeses i got some pics, i'll be back a bit later :) i'm litraly seeing a (wo) man about a dog ;)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lol na the yorkies turned into a jack russel overnight and its a cute white female with tan panda eyes n ears and tan spots on its back :)


Well-Known Member
You alright fingers me old mucka. I have had to scrap the ballast for my 400w due to it nearly setting on fire ( you know the one on the piece of wood that you warned me about). Well I'm a digi ballast man all the way now. Hope everythings going good for you mate.


Well-Known Member
You alright fingers me old mucka. I have had to scrap the ballast for my 400w due to it nearly setting on fire ( you know the one on the piece of wood that you warned me about). Well I'm a digi ballast man all the way now. Hope everythings going good for you mate.


Active Member
Hey what up Las? Just wondering if you can give me a few pointers on using your mini movable scrog technique? I am just starting my current grow of the ultimate. They have both just popped the surface. I was able to buy some wire mesh that I am going to cut to resemble a scrog. I cut out a couple squares and they measure 5cmx5cm. Is that size good or should the squares be bigger. I took a couple pics of what I'm working with and would appreciate any advice you can give me on my first attempt at a scrog. I would love to achieve the results of seen you post! Thanks !


las fingerez

Well-Known Member
lol wow u feeling ok?

hey CD hows it going bro? welcome 2 the mad house lol, well one of them ;) that mesh looks perfect mate and 5cm x 5cm or 2" square holes are exactly the size hole i use :) can u put me a link up to the mesh stuff that u have or let me know where u got it and how much please mate. i know ur in the states but the doc was looking for something similar and that would be more than suitable :)


Active Member
Thanks for the welcome Las! Here's a pic of the label. I bought it at Home Depot for $12. Yeah I think it'll work pretty good. The wire is covered in a vinyl and is flexible. Glad I cut those first squares to the right size.

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
Thanks CD :) DOC are u paying attention??? i'm not asking for me lol :)

wowser ur a crazy daisy but i also wanna go scunthorpe ;) hahahaha ;)

well i'm sure the regular followers of my thread will know that i taught a mate how to grow recently that all went kinda sour (no i'm not talking about the doc lmfao) well i gave him my lemon haze and it was the only strain he had in his house. now i've grown it many times and it aint hermied on me once. some how my boy had managed 2 get about 20 seeds out of the lemon haze.

i've got 2 brown viable SLH seeds, bidding starts at....... hahahahahaha ;) just messing but how cool would it be if my SLH pheno was hiding inside one of them beans :)

las fingerez

Well-Known Member
well its the same lemon u got and if is not good enough sambo...... hahahaha

i hope not D but theres a slim chance and i'm a hopeful person lol