4tat it was 30+ oC here today which 2 be fair is bloody hot for "sunny" england lol
Lily 8 weeks jack russel
Lemon doing the gangsta lean for the 1st time, think she was a bit shy before, this was a few days ago its worse now lol
livers x cherry cheese, blue cheese and lemon haze
a year ago i would of binned that str8 away but i'm learing now that the lemon is a resliant little bitch lol
Psyco and Livers scissor hash. i spoke with 2 uk riu-ers that evening on msn and i felt like i was drunk lol deff class A matirial right there lol u smoke that all the time u'll have no brain cells left i'm telling ya
quick dry livers and co all the popcorn buds
some burning down the bottom from the to strong bicarbonate of soda spray but everything thats coming out now is un effected by the wilt/mold/fungus gonna re-spray slightly weaker before transfuring to the new tent.
a really random mystery seedling, noticed it in one of my dead clones before i threw it away. whats random about it, is i havent been anywhere near any seeds lol