Las Vegas!!


Well-Known Member
anyone ridden any of the rides.. that are at the very top of the Stratosphere??

I have ridden the one called 'Insanity' where it spins you out off the edge of the building.. that's a fucking trip man.

A massive mechanical arm extending out 65 (or so) feet over the edge of the Stratosphere Tower at a height of over 900 feet, Insanity will spin you and several other passengers in the open air at speeds of up to three 'G's. You'll be propelled up to an angle of 70 degrees, which will tilt your body into one position - facing straight down! If you're brave enough to keep your eyes open... you get the reward of having a really beautiful view of Las Vegas.

There were some other rides.. that were a trip to ride too. I forgot the names of them though..

If you've never been there.. I would highly suggest going and checking it out. It's a blast!!

(I'm talking to the few adults here at RIU).. since Vegas really isn't intended for kids in the first place.

anyhow.. just thought I'd share that with everyone.

peace.:peace: have a great stoned weekend everyone. Time for my wake-N-bake.
i can tell you right now it will never happen for me , the pony outside the grocery store are about my speed these days
i can tell you right now it will never happen for me , the pony outside the grocery store are about my speed these days

lmao. nice.

and hey, there's nothing wrong with riding the quarter machines. In fact, I used to be terrified of any kind of roller-coaster. Didn't matter how small it was.. I wasn't going to ride it.

lmao.. thanks for the laugh this morning. I needed a good laugh.. especially after last nights fiasco.

texas? not too far from where I'm at..

anyhow, I need to water my lady... and see how she's doing. Gotta run.

i cant wait till i hit vegas i just turned 21 like a week ago and i only live 3hrs away so do i hear road trip when i have money yes i do