Last Bowl of the Night...


Active Member
I am trying to relax my brain enough to sleep. So I am smoking the last bowl of the night. I have some soft native american flute music playing and I just wanted to share the love.

I want to wake up and read about what kind of things you guys love or dream about.

I will give rep to everyone brave enough to post their thoughts or feelings about ... well, anything, here tonight.

Good night friends! peace and good will to you all. Time for zzzzz's

Mooby out.



Active Member
Good morning friends. I slept well.

Good to see two people brave enough to post in here. I have given you both rep.

How is everyone?


Well-Known Member
hahha.. awesome.

i was going to, believe it or not, start a thread 'First Bong Of The Day' today.

but this'll do.. lol

Cheers All!


Active Member
I am not usually a wake and bake type of person, but I have a headache from no where coming on. Maybe I should join you and spark one in the AM. lol.


Active Member
Thanks. I have insomnia, (add that to the list of my negative traits :( ) so getting to sleep can be hard most nights, almost impossible now without some pot first. Some nights I can take a hit and fall asleep easy, other nights I have to get so far blazed that i see just colors and shapes.