Last chance location... need opinions


Well-Known Member
hello, so my 3 main grow locations have been compromised by local hunters setting up blinds. theres one more location that i need some serious opinions on.

it only 100 feet or so from the road. an old old old field, the only place any vehicle could get in has about 8 trees fallen across the path, it is also grown in to a small trail, and has trees as big as 3 inches in diameter growing right in the middle.(so it hasn't been used in years)

the main field is maybe 40 feet by 100feet and has about 6 small clearings off it, maybe 20 feet by 20-30 feet. there are TONS of thorns blocking off the small clearings. you cannot see any of the clearings or main field from the road or any houses near by. (i've lived in this area for 20 years and never knew these clearings were here), the main clearing has a few beer cans in it but they are OLD atleast 2 seasons. nothing else. there is a house about 800 feet away from the clearing, but it has a horse pasture between the woods and house, also there are no kids in the area. youngest people are early 20s for a few miles. i'm pretty sure the clearings are safe from hunters because of the proximity to the road and pasture. couldn't find any prints or shell casings.

now... if i plant 5-6 plants in there, going to make sure they blend in well, and also going to transplant a bunch of thorn bushes to the path into the main field, as well as around the area as much as possible.

what do you guys think, there are only 2 houses in the general area, one is the house with a pasture the other is an elderly couple.

as to smell i'm not too concerned, wild grapes will be going strong by the time my plants would start to smell,(they grow everywhere, but are so bitter people don't pick them)

so. what do you guys think. basicly this is my last location. i'm going to try a few lowryders at the other locations since hunters won't be back till late summer so i should get one round of lowryder in safely.

thanx for any advice or opinions. water isn't a concern, neither is keeping a vehicle hidden. so my main question, what do you guys think of safty when it comes to the proximity of people. it is THICK brush, i almost turned around but it was my last area to scout.

again thanks for any opinions, thoughts, concerns!


Active Member
holy crap! sounds like you are describing my location somewhat. mine is in a little spring fed swampy area....about a foot above the water table in a corner of about 200 or so acres. there are grapevines, briar, and creeping vines all over the place. and there are downed limbs all over the place from ice storms in the past, so there's a lot of sunshine that otherwise wouldn't be there. the sight is in a corner of an old fenced off feed lot that hasn't been used in probably sixty years. but what i'm doing is making a reverse blind, for hunters. i put the branches all around my site...with some limbs hanging down from the trees. so you can only see my plants if you walked around the limbs to the front. and theres lots of thick brush with poison ivy, that absolutely no one would ever walk through. not to mention all the ticks and copperheads. i grew up in the area and have covered nearly all the land out there and did not once walk through the place i'm planting.

if your place is anything like mine, then you might be safe. is it land that it's alright for you to be on? ....i don't have to worry about vehicles or being hidden really either.


Well-Known Member
depends on what you mean by safe... lol it does have a swamp a short way off. i'm going to be moving more brush to the area. clearing out the furthest clearing. moving all the brush from there to the edges. going to try and find some fast growing brush and transplant that to the suroundings. any chance anyone knows a way to transplant poison sumac w/out getting covered in it? theres plenty in the area so it will be common enough. does anyone know how to clone thorn bushes? once they start growing in a few more weeks i want to make a few clones and plant them out there too.

there might be one more chance of hope, i had an old old map of my town. and found there there used to be another field about a 1/4 mile from this one. going to be checking it out tomorrow. wish me luck, and if anyone else has opinions or thoughts on how close this site is from people feel free to comment.

another thing that might help is that the town just cut brush from the sides of the road, going to haul in some in the early morning. and use most of what i can haul to cover the enterance.

thanx for the input