last couple weeks and hermi pops wtf?


Well-Known Member
I am not 100% sure if it was a hermi, it looked sooo werid, and it was only showing on one nug of the plant. I went ahead and choped the whole plant cuz it is in a garden of some other large plants. It doesnt show good on the picture but look closely and I am sure u will see a nut.



Well-Known Member
Ouch you didn't have to chop the whole plant you could have just pulled the nut sacs off of it, and if it poped it poped damage is done but it looks like it had the making of some good bud.


Well-Known Member
ya sum dank bud, i harvested another just like got the fattest denses nugs i ever seen from outdoor. o well RIP my nigga


Well-Known Member
Ill rip my bong to show respect for the fallen soldier of ganja.

Cough Cough Cough..... Fuckin Red Diesel makes me choke every time.....