last resort clone or re-veg...


Active Member
Well I'm trying my first clone under very bad conditions. I the plant is just starting it's 6th week of flower. Buds are everywhere and getting big.

Just for the hell of it I pulled one off and dried it out and tried it. WOW! Now I want to maintain this plant. I cut a clone off yesterday and I am trying to clone it like in THIS methed here.

I hope this works being so far in to flower. If not the only other thing I know to do is to wait until after harvest and try to put her back in to veg and get her to give me at least one clone that can be my new mother.

If anyone knows of something that I can do, that I haven't mentioned, please feel free to offer advice. Wish me luck on this. :leaf: Word


Active Member
I would go ahead with both....I took some clones during week 4 and they rooted in 7 fays.....but now they are almost 5 wks old and have barely grown. Re-veg and clone. You stand a better chance of sucess thiss way....oh ya...cut a cpl more clones to raise the odds of one striking.
good luck


Active Member
Well I am hoping that the clone takes obviously, but I figure with me being at the beginning of week 6 of flower that if it is gonna show roots and pull through this that it will do it by the time I actually harvest the plant it came from. If the clone is good then yeah, it's a moot point about the plant I took it from, but if it doesn't, then I'm down to re-vegging the main plant. God I hope one of the two works.


Well-Known Member
I would go ahead with both, if the clones don't take you have the re-vegg to fall back on.

My only other advice is to give your flowering plant a dose of some high N fertilizer in case you need to re-vegg it. you don't want all of the fan leaves to die and fall off. Also, don't flush your plant, you want the plant to have some food left to power the re-vegg.

And get ready for some really bushy plants from those clones, like that>>IMG00563-20110107-0748.jpg

cannabis love

Well-Known Member
Good thread. I have a plant into two months of flowering that I wish I could've cloned - but there were no branches long enough! It is a Bonsai-like Indica that was grown from bagseed. I may try to revegetate it. If anyone wants to see a photo, just say the word - it is a pretty plant ;)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
These are good suggestions to do both. I have taken clones before late in flowering, and they worked. But the new fan leafs will be single leafs that look more like Spinache then weed, until the plant fully reverts back to veg.