This is Salvisa, from Lyme Rising Farms, my most septoria resistant strain 2 years running! Great smoke, good producer, will be running this again and chucking some pollen on it to see if I can pass on resistance to some other genetics.
Salvisa has done very well against the septoria that we get every summer. Most strains don't do well against it for me, so far. I also had a Salvisa cross I made do well against septoria, hoping I can make some more crosses that are resistant.
Hey mandocat, is the idea of this thread for everyone to share pictures of last summers outdoor harvest?
That Salvisa is gorgeous by the way! You did a killer job on that.
Hey mandocat, is the idea of this thread for everyone to share pictures of last summers outdoor harvest?
That Salvisa is gorgeous by the way! You did a killer job on that.
Sure! I was just revisiting some of last summer's harvest, reassessing how things turned out. Its funny how your opinion changes as you evaluate your own grows!