Late flower boosters?


Hi all, I am 5 weeks into a multi strain grow (My first grow in over a decade) And while I am happy with my results this far in, I keep seeing products which supposedly give a massive boost to flower size in the last weeks. I don't have much faith in the honesty of Nutrient company spiels. I am currently using "Dutch Master Advance" throughout the grow and am using Dutch Master Potash and Add .27 as well as a seaweed extract. However if there is a product that has been proven (by actual growers) to add mass in the final weeks, then I will look at including it. Some of the products I have looked at are Cyco Swell, H&G Shooting powder, Canna PK13-14 ect. any product recommendations will be appreciated.. thanks


Well-Known Member
pics?!?!....if your plants look better than mine just stay the course..if they are seriously lacking then maybe add something just as an experiment to see if its beneficial or not..personally i wouldnt add anything that late in flower your only a couple weeks (depending on strain) from the flush anyway


Well-Known Member
pics?!?!....if your plants look better than mine just stay the course..if they are seriously lacking then maybe add something just as an experiment to see if its beneficial or not..personally i wouldnt add anything that late in flower your only a couple weeks (depending on strain) from the flush anyway
I cannot disagree more with this post (sorry), as to begin with I am not an advocate of flushing, let alone to not feed the plants "only a couple weeks (depending on strain) from the flush". 2 weeks out of 10 weeks is 20% of your flowering period, if you starve your plants all this period then starve them further with water-only flushing, I believe that you will diminish your yield by so much since plants gain the most weight in their final flowering period.

Feed them with P-K ferts, keep Nitrogen and Magnesium low in late flowering


Well-Known Member
really u cant disagree more with if they are lacking feed not an advocate of flushing with organics...but he never stated if he was organic or not...chemical def i said hes only a couple weeks DEPENDING ON STRAIN so if hes on an 8 week plant which is pretty fuckin average, that doesnt equal 20%..not to mention that any plant fed well doesnt need any added ferts the last two weeks...i agree that its a critical point but sorry dude the plant already has enough within itself to proliferate those last two weeks...i dont advocate flushing so to speak either but with the info given it still isnt a good idea to add something if it isnt needed and is a waste of money, depending on what he has....once again u kinda came off like a dick man this site has enough of those, can we not add our own ideas without being rude??


Well-Known Member
btw u kinda came off like a dick man this site has enough of those, can we not add our own ideas without being rude??
LOL I said "sorry" man, it's just that I disagree with this, back to the flush debate... try not flushing your plants sometime and compare for yourself


I should have added more info about my setup in my original post. I am self watering in 5 gallon pots, with a 50/50 perlite/Coco mix, under a 600 watt HPS with a 250 watt duel spectrum cfl as supplemental lighting. I am running 6 plants 4 strains 3 THC Bomb, 1 Widow Bomb, 1 Jack Herer (GHS) and 1 White Russian (Vision seeds) I am guessing that the THC Bomb has another 5 weeks, The Widow bomb should be done in 4 weeks, The White russian could be finished in as little as three weeks, And I have no clue on the Jack Herer (I seem to have a strange phenotype which is short like an Indica in Veg but it seems to be flowering like a sativa in Bloom?) The THC Bombs are all looking good, foliage is still vibrant green and the buds are starting to fill out nicely, the Widow bomb is filling out well, but it seems to like a less strong solution and has some nutrient burn, so I started to feed it on a seperate solution. The White Russian is amazing, the leaves are already starting to yellow, but it has great flower formation and the next couple of weeks should really add some size. I decided to just continue my current nutrient regime for this run. I fed them today and gave them a mid flower nitrogen boost to see them through to the end of flower. As for flushing? well I will usually flush well (with water) around 5 days before harvest and then let them dry out till the chop. I will try to get some photo's of my setup tomorrow (southern hemisphere here) before my lights kick in, I hate the banded effect the HPS gives to digital cameras and I need to keep my plants in my carbon filtered tent as my neighbours are literally 10 feet from my grow area, and odour and noise are my enemies.


Well-Known Member
LOL I said "sorry" man, it's just that I disagree with this, back to the flush debate... try not flushing your plants sometime and compare for yourself
well it sounded mean anywa cuz u disagreed with me, very sternly, :P lol....i didnt flush on my last run (organic) didnt notice much difference honestly, probably wont flush from now on at least not like i did before maybe for a couple days with chem ferts if i choose to use you really think he should go adding another nute regimen 3 weeks from harvest though?


Well-Known Member
well it sounded mean anywa cuz u disagreed with me, very sternly, :P lol....i didnt flush on my last run (organic) didnt notice much difference honestly, probably wont flush from now on at least not like i did before maybe for a couple days with chem ferts if i choose to use you really think he should go adding another nute regimen 3 weeks from harvest though?
I feed them up until the last day but I grow hydro. If I flush them with just water for 2 weeks, I assure you that it will ruin my yield much more than in soil. to answer you question, I say yes, he must feed them with P-K fertilizer, the buds will like it. I just don't add any nitrogen or magnesium in that period to help with a better tasting bud, add to that a proper curing, and you will not notice the difference in taste between flushed or not flushed even by the best connoisseurs. :peace:


Well-Known Member
just reread all this ...looks like u hurt my feelings when i was buzzed last night lmao my bad...dont drink much....anyyyyway so magnesium is in alot of other solutions do you have a certain pk fert to suggest and is that all u feed in the last week or two?? ive always added everything when i feed, dont claim to be a pro but not a noob either, but if i should be holding off on all but one thing at the end i will try that..
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Well-Known Member
just reread all this ...looks like u hurt my feelings when i was buzzed last night lmao my bad...dont drink much....anyyyyway so magnesium is in alot of other solutions do you have a certain pk fert to suggest and is that all u feed in the last week or two?? ive always added everything when i feed, dont claim to be a pro but not a noob either, but if i should be holding off on all but one thing at the end i will try that..
LOL no worries man I never mind disagreement with anyone as long as we can share knowledge and ideas. I simply use mono-potassium phosphate and trace element mix. I use all my ferts in parts and mix them but this method is a bit advanced you don't need to go through it if you don't feel like it, I went through it because I am building a big greenhouse for farming veggies and exotic plants for business. usually cannabis specialized ferts have a bloom fertilizer with little or no Nitrogen or magnesium. general hydroponics is one name I remember, in case you're wondering, yes you can use hydro bloom ferts in soil but not soil ferts in hydro. also it is not advisable to use vegging hydro ferts in soil because it will starve the bacteria in soil which feed on nitrogen compounds that are not present in hydro ferts, so you will have kind of "dead" soil which can no longer receive regular soil ferts much like soilless medium.


Well-Known Member
I am using bloombastic as a flower booster. its working great so far and I can definitely see a boost in the size of the buds during the last week. I believe the ratio is 0-14-15. I use this along with a small amount of jungle juice micro and full strength jungle juice bloom and full strength bud candy. I would def recommend the bloombastic. Shits very expensive though. They have a free sample form on their website. i got mine in a week, 50Ml bottle.


Well-Known Member
LOL no worries man I never mind disagreement with anyone as long as we can share knowledge and ideas. I simply use mono-potassium phosphate and trace element mix. I use all my ferts in parts and mix them but this method is a bit advanced you don't need to go through it if you don't feel like it, I went through it because I am building a big greenhouse for farming veggies and exotic plants for business. usually cannabis specialized ferts have a bloom fertilizer with little or no Nitrogen or magnesium. general hydroponics is one name I remember, in case you're wondering, yes you can use hydro bloom ferts in soil but not soil ferts in hydro. also it is not advisable to use vegging hydro ferts in soil because it will starve the bacteria in soil which feed on nitrogen compounds that are not present in hydro ferts, so you will have kind of "dead" soil which can no longer receive regular soil ferts much like soilless medium.
ok ya i always use mixes as well and obvi. use the bloom when its time but i didnt know if that was still too much in those last couple weeks as i believe those have trace elements as well (magnesium you said to leave out) if i have a whole kit i can just follow the directions on the box as i have been?!...i figured this is fine to do and i have for all my grows so far but im def. no expert when it comes to nutes


Use molasses, bloom enhanchers have some type of mollasses and or sugars to feed your plants which they turn into carbs and swell.


Active Member
try massive from green planet and liquid w8. stuff has done pretty well for me and I can see the difference. I use dyna grow products as my base nutes but the addatives are all GP.


Well-Known Member
Hi all, I am 5 weeks into a multi strain grow (My first grow in over a decade) And while I am happy with my results this far in, I keep seeing products which supposedly give a massive boost to flower size in the last weeks. I don't have much faith in the honesty of Nutrient company spiels. I am currently using "Dutch Master Advance" throughout the grow and am using Dutch Master Potash and Add .27 as well as a seaweed extract. However if there is a product that has been proven (by actual growers) to add mass in the final weeks, then I will look at including it. Some of the products I have looked at are Cyco Swell, H&G Shooting powder, Canna PK13-14 ect. any product recommendations will be appreciated.. thanks
Big yields start at day 1 of flowering. None of the PK boosters out there will give you a 'massive boost to flower size in the last weeks'. Even in hydro, these plants don't add on 20% of their weight (or whatever their claims may be) at any one time during flowering, it's slow and gradual.

In regards to PK boosters themselves, feeding plants is a balancing act. Overfeed a few minerals (P and K) and you risk going deficient in other equally as important minerals (nitrogen, calcium, magnesium, etc). Deficient plants don't yield well so keep them green and healthy until harvest day.


Active Member
I use H&G shooting powder with good results. Im running in coco/soil mix tho..Sometime I use it other times I dont. You cant re-use the soil if you use shooting powder thats the reason I dont use it all the time! As for your Jack Herer ... I have grow the origional strain and boy does it grow in flowering! It would have taken over my octogon if i let it! I run Jack 65-67 days .....i have heard of people going until 70-72 days but i like the taste when pulled a biit earlier


Well-Known Member
It is all just crap and will get the best results having proper nutes throughout the grow, more so than adding in some crazy miracle booster at the end...I don't think any of those things work the way they claim to...


Thanks for the replies everyone, I will be sticking with potash as my bloom booster. I just wanted to know if there was some miracle product out there that everyone was using to add more yield (and I was missing out on). While I am sure that there are some products that will add overall mass to a harvest, you pay a premium for that extra weight. I am going to be running a 100 litre nutrient tank in the summer, and I will be going through a lot more nutrients then I am now with hand watering. I have a small personal grow, and some of these products would more than double my nutrient costs per cycle. So for the moment I am happy to grow cheap and happy.


Well-Known Member
I looked for late bloom additives long ago but just settled with Age Old liquid or PBP and a few other addatives up until week 6 of flower then switch to just EJ bloom and mollasses until harvest, last watering before harvest is just plain tap. EJ bloom has no nitrogen. I learned over the years that genetics and enviroment are key for nice big buds.

No problems here and always some of the best smoke in town ;). This Critical Super Silver Haze is at day 38 and is now just on EJ & mollasses for the next 2 weeks

C99 just finished with the same routine.
