Late Outdoor Grow, Canada


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys,

It's a little late in the season for the plants not to be out yet but I've been running way behind schedule. I purchased 15 early skunk from BCSEEKING and they were started on the 15th of May. I'm hoping to get them outdoors by the 15th of June which doesn't allow them very much vegging time but that's what I will have to work with.

I recieved 20 seeds in the mail (5 free) and among those plus 2 bagseeds, I'm left with 18 plants. I have one plot of 9 holes dug and filled, I will be planting the rest in two seperate spots as to not put all my eggs in one basket.

Soil Mix: 1 bag promix(82L), 1 cup dolomite lime, 1 litre sea compost, 20% perlite, 5% vermiculite, Will add blood and bone meal and advanced nutrients iguana juice bloom after they establish themselves and the males are weeded out.

Not sure what to expect but I'm hoping for atleast 10 females and atleast 1 pound although it may be too late in the season to achieve this.

Few of them had gotten a little burnt from first feeding but I flushed and transplanted from dixie cups and they are all doing alot better.



my were started at 12 may,looks allmost the same(except the nuteburn),they are outside sinse yesterday,(2-th portion),you don'thave to wait until june 15,they are ready to go outside.if you are in southern canada,i think you are not late, 1 pound from 10 females is realistic(i would expect more,if there are 10 females and everythink is o.k.),you get them outside as soon as posible,they will veg outside,my 1th portion is outside sinse may 12,allready did the sexing for most of them(they are 8 weeks old).you will be fine.


Well-Known Member
Looks like you're off to a good start!

Just out of curiosity why did you go with Iguana Juice instead of Heavy Harvest? I've been watching all the Brown Dirt Warrior videos again and he swears by HH for outdoor growing.


Well-Known Member
I never got around to following up...Out of 21 plants total, 15 were male (first time using reg seeds), 2 giant ones that I planted early in the season got chopped/ripped a week into flower, Two more females died after a hurricane and there main stem breaking shortly into flower, OF the two left, the one Early skunk yielded 5.5 ounces which I was astonished as it was the smallest of the females, the bagseed purple kush yielded 1.5 ounces because I forgot about it and it was in a .5 gallon pot for most of its life outdoors.

7 ounces total, The early skunk was amazing bud for sure, huge dense nuggets, but there seems to be a high male ratio because I know of a few others who had the same luck.


Well-Known Member
thats sweet atleast you got a decent amount of smoke to last you. Were abouts in canada if you dont mind im from ontario!!