late season growing


Well-Known Member
I've never grown outdoors before. I know the season is coming to an end but I wondered what kinda bud a plant could produce from seed, if any at all, this late in the year. Location is southeast us. I'm gonna try a few anyways just to see, I just wanted to know if anyone had any experience with late season growing.


Active Member
I have grown late in the year with nominal results, I did in when I was younger to keep plants small. I would lst me a nice little bush then stick it outside around end of july never let it get more than a foot started em in first of june. But this time of year? don't bother if starting from seed or tiny clone. An autoflower may work but the harvest will suck as they need 14+ hours of daylight to really form anything decent from what I have seen.

Sorry brother know you are psyched to get your grow on, but planning, preparation and preparedness are two things not to short out on.


Active Member
Dont know where you live. But I will be running 13.5 down to 13 hours a day for a while. Some autos are finished quick. however the more light with autos, can be the better so ....
I got my garden trashed, so I am going to be trying a late season plant, but I will prb sub the day light with lighting or some thing like that.