Late season Outdoor Guerilla Grow - in the UK massive!

hows it gan stoogy me ol'son
Firstly grand old job your doing,dont listen to these geehonks trying to tell you to chop your plants down,stretch it out as far as poss,ive just harvested my roadrunner autos outdoor,am way north from you mate,atlantic shores north. Purple power,early mist and first lady for next year. Every ays a school day mate


Active Member
im in the uk too fella my plants around about the same stage as yours iv got a thread up in this section.... id try stretch as long as possible the longer we can go the better the finished product.... i hope :leaf:

Althought any tips/advice on when to crop(the apperance of the bud) would be much apriciated

Week 2/3 flowering


hey obi132. Yeah i think the best plan is to wait and try to keep them going as long as possible. Im getting a few cold nights down here in the south but my plants are doing fine. hopefully we will get a late first frost. As to the appearance of the buds, its best to harvest when the pistils have turned from white to orange and the calyxes have swelled up, creating denser buds. Trichomes should abe a range of milky white to amber. This doesnt usually happen until the 7th week or so, depending on strain, so im just gonna try and be patient and wait until then to harvest, weather permitting. good luck with your plants, they look real nice.


Active Member
hay stoogy, yeah winters coming im hopeing for around 5 more weeks if we can get it, cool advice.... iv got a few pistils turning as you can see in 1 or 2 of the pix so fingers crossed!!
yeah it seems to have turned out ok.... i got the seed from a dodgey batch of smoke planted up 8 seeds 7 popped 2 died early on, and due to unforseen circumstances i had to ditch the rest and just run with this one plant, but i thinks its gone well.
Best of luck to you with your plants man.... im gonna stay tuned in over the next few weeks and see how ya get on!!!!

Amen to UK Outdoor Growing!!!!!!


Active Member
Hi Guys

Like you i'm new to the forum, so hello everyone !

I'm in London and have a couple going but having major difficulty keeping them hidden ! Hate these thin small gardens, need to move to the country ! so have had to hide them in not the sunniest bit of the garden. Have a look at the pics.Think they look ok. First few pics were seeds from a decent batch of haze (dont know what though but smells like citrus)
Now just hoping the weather holds for a bit longer but haven't got a clue when to chop! probably 3-4 weeks?

The other plant is outdoor Skunk no1 from Sensi seeds. This looks way off so wondering if she will be ready before the first frost. I guess I could get her into the shed and stick a light in if necessary.

Anyway dont want to hijack your thread so hope yours go well, happy smoking !! (any advice on mine would be very welcome ;o)


Active Member
hay ads
i cant open your files to see but they want some good sun from what i can see and just hope we dont get a freeze any time soon. peace man


Active Member
I can only see the pics if i log in ? but yes need some sun bad ! one looks nearly ready (week or 2) but the skunk looks maybe a month so thinking about moving it under lights to finish.Got a 250 envirolite in the shed but think its a blue. got to be better than our shit sun ? lol
might look for a red on ebay but not sure what difference it makes?
going now as the footy is on !


with perfect timing the english weather has come, and now one of my plants has fucking bud rot! Doesnt look like the weather is getting any better in the near future. Dont wanna risk anymore, the plants are coming down tomorrow!


Active Member
Hey stoogy, where are you based? Mine have taken a beating today and am preying for some dry weather tomorrow. Going to put them under my Enviro for a few weeks then will pull at end of oct if not earlier. been shaking them like mad but so hope i get no rot ! keep us posted ;o)


im down in devon mate. its been raining all of last night and today. hope yours are all good man. gonna chop them tomorrow and get some photos. take it easy.


Active Member
ohh stoogy unlucky with the bud rot im sad to hear that.... fingers crossed i can keep mine on for a lil longer mines a bit immature at the minuet... got a good sunny day on the east coast tommorow so im feeling.. well lets just say optomistic haha lookin forward to seeing your pix. Peace


Active Member
good luck with the cutting. Hope you can salvage most of it. Been raining for about 36 hours here and the girls are feeling it but will spend the day wiring up the shed and getting the lights on. Dont like using lights but need to sort before the end of Oct so dont have a choice. Cant wait to see the pics !


Hey guys, sorry I havnt updated in a while. been busy drying my product!

So, I cut the plants down last week sometime. Ive been drying them and they are now dry. I lost a few small nuggets on the way, due to mold issues! I am gonna start to cure the buds soon in some airtight jars to get that fruity skunky taste and smell back in town!

Here is some budporn for you all to enioy. Im pretty happy with the fruits of my labour and cant wait till I can set it on fire in a few weeks time!

y 205.jpg y 208.jpg y 214.jpg y 206.jpgy 212.jpg y 213.jpg y 215.jpg

Thanks to everyone who helped me along the way giving me advice and inputs.

Take it easy. :leaf:


