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Well-Known Member
well, I don't know how the rest of you feel about this whole "2012 end of days" thing.. but I watch the news every day to get updated on the latest events.

I've noticed something.. that seems to be kinda scary. I've noticed over the past few years of watching current events, that there seems to be more and more "apocalyptic" events happening each week.

Now, I'm not an expert.. nor am I psychic but, it really does make me think that maybe.. just maybe.. these events are part of the 'end of days'. Now personally, I don't think the world will just suddenly abruptly end.. but again, it does make me question what's going on with the world these days.

Here are a few current events that have happened recently.. as well as new events that have happened within the past few days.
(The conflict over in Egypt)
(mass mysterious animal deaths occurring)
("America suffered a cultural earthquake" with the presidential election of Barack Obama) <--- It's true!

and here's some more information for everyone to just kinda think about.. and try to put into prospective for yourself.

The following information was taken from:

Atomic bomb
History says that before the first atomic bomb, used on 16th of July 1945, there was a rumor spread among the physics of Manhattan, according to which the nuclear reaction could burn out the whole atmosphere.


The 2000th year computer mistake-
The night of 31st of December 1999 was predicted to be a night when the whole humanity would be buried into a total chaos. It was expected that as soon as midnight comes, computers directing everything &#8211; beginning with banks and finishing with stations &#8211; would decide that instead of the year 2000 the year 1900 has come, thus burying the industrialized world into chaos.


Pandemic -
Another scenario &#8211; humanity dying of a certain virus, a scenario used as a rule in a lot of movies describing world catastrophes.


Collision with an asteroid -
Another popular scenario in the movie industry. Specialists all over the world are constantly making the lists of asteroids threatening Earth.


Nuclear destruction -
That is the direct destruction of humanity as a result of a military conflict.


Global warming -

Lately, scientists frighten people with global warming. According to this scenario, in a distant future people will lose all natural resources, there will be starvations, epidemics and endless wars for the few resources left. _______________________________________________________________________________

Sun -

A scenario of apocalypse for a very distant future. In some billions of years our Sun will become a red colossus and Earth will be destroyed. Some scientists consider that there can exist endless numbers of rational civilizations in our Universe. It is also assumed they can visit Earth one day to conquer it or to make cruel experiments on its inhabitants. _______________________________________________________________________________

Rise of the machines -

It is said that in the future robots will become smart enough to act by themselves &#8211; and that includes destroying the world and killing people.


Those are just some examples.. of possibilities that we live with each and every day. I just want to try and help educate everyone.. that the possibility is always there.. and it seems like the further we get into the future.. the more and more "apocalyptic like" events seem to happen. Be thankful for each and every day that we have on this beautiful planet that we call 'Earth'. :)

Thanks for reading.. to those who read this. ;)

(aka ganjaluvr)


Well-Known Member
Food shortages already in play.

and that's all i have to say about that,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Boomer sounds like he sees what I see happening.. in today's world.

I'm sure there are others that see what we see. I've always thought that I was more aware of the world.. and of things in life. I mean, I'm not saying something's going to happen in my lifetime (I'm 28 btw) but i don't think it'll be more than 500 years away.. before something happens that changes the world drastically.

Why do you people think the military/government has underground bunkers built. There's one called "Mount Shiann" or however its spelled. They say that only "important" people will be allowed inside.. and that the military has the right to use whatever force necessary to keep us "regular" people out of the shelters. And that's straight off an investigation from the History channel. Shits real.. I personally think that there are people in this world.. that are so blind to what's going on today.. right now... and I think they should get their heads outta their ass. :) Just speaking my opinion.

thats all.



Well-Known Member
Thank god I have my aluminum hat on. I wil be takeing my spaceship to XKDY a class 3 planet and start over.................signed Adam


Well-Known Member
To all those that doubted me....

hear about the latest quake that hit Japan?!?!?! The Tsunami that it developed??!?!

Yeah, its heading TO THE COAST OF CALIFORNIA.. RIGHT THIS MOMENT!! As I sit here and type this.. an 8ft tsunami is heading towards the coast of California. No joke people... if your not ready or didn't know about this.. well, now you know!!

I just have the gut feeling about things... and sure enough.

I even said earlier.. that something fairly scary was going to happen pretty soon. heh..

Never doubt your sixth sense people.. (those of you who have one and know how it works).

good luck Cali!



Well-Known Member
It's the rapture!!! Natures pushing the reset button peeps. See you at the Thunderdome!

What up Don & Ton!?!?! Haven't seen you around in a while..

same goes for Stoned Pony.

Good to know you guys aren't close minded.. and understand that something on a huge scale is coming. Just a matter of time.. to all those 'non believers'.. well, we'll just see who's right in the end. ;)

Kinda like those of you who doubted my prediction a month or two ago.. about something on a huge scale was going to happen.. that was what, just a month or two ago..? Sure enough.. an 8.4M Quake hits Japan.. and sends tsunami's towards Hawaii and the Pacific Coast of the US.A. And yeah, there's more to come people. This is all just the beginning IMO... just the beginning.



Well-Known Member
I will be sure to bump this thread in 2012.

Someone could shoot you in your face this second.Life to short to be scared of some mayan fairy tale.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
how do guru!? its been on the build ince the last ice age or whatever killed off the dinosuars i reckon.

at any rate slow down there nostra guru :lol:


Well-Known Member
well I live in the middle of nowhere farming community so if shit goes down we're bombin bridges and stayin isolated WEEEE!! ahahah


Well-Known Member
I will be sure to bump this thread in 2012.

Someone could shoot you in your face this second.Life to short to be scared of some mayan fairy tale.
Mayans were you going to tell me Hansel and Gretle didnt really kill that witch.


Active Member
Had to stop in and reserve my seat for January 1 2013. I'm pretty excited to read how all the backpedaling plays out.