

Active Member
Somewhere in 2003, I got 1 seed through 3 hands from a Kazakh who came to our town. He was from the city of Chimkent.
I sprouted this seed and simply planted it on the windowsill in September. In my region, cold winters and ice forms on the glass. The plant grew very slowly and one leaf even froze to the icy window. Somewhere in December - January, the plant began to bloom.
There was no smell of marijuana. There was a smell of hashish - resin. (I felt the smell of modern varieties already in 2004 when growing) I gradually began to trim and smoke with friends. The effect was very funny. We laughed with friends until our stomachs hurt. I started smoking weed in 1995, but such effects were very rare. My eyes turned red from smoking, my mouth dried out so much that my lips stuck to my teeth. A brutal appetite arose. The food became incredibly tasty. The music became very pleasant.
I myself fell several times laughing from a bridge into a ravine with nettles from a height of 2 meters.
Due to stress on a cold windowsill, the plant became germinated and self-pollinated. I did not know before that plants can be cloned and the hope was for ripening seeds.
The seeds ripened, I collected them, and smoked the remains of the plant with friends.
I planted the resulting seeds, but new harvests did not give such a laughing effect.
And later these seeds disappeared for some reasons.

Does anyone know if there are similar effects in modern varieties? Which variety should I buy?
I have grown more than 50 different varieties in 20 years, but they did not give such effects. I met people through a forum from Kazakhstan, they sent me seeds from 3 places. Even from Shymkent, but there was no such effect. I know that in Kazakhstan hemp grows everywhere like a weed.

I classify this plant as an indica, because sativa makes me anxious or paranoid, I don't know what it's called exactly. And from what I grew then I didn't feel anxious.
Somewhere in 2003, I got 1 seed through 3 hands from a Kazakh who came to our town. He was from the city of Chimkent.
I sprouted this seed and simply planted it on the windowsill in September. In my region, cold winters and ice forms on the glass. The plant grew very slowly and one leaf even froze to the icy window. Somewhere in December - January, the plant began to bloom.
There was no smell of marijuana. There was a smell of hashish - resin. (I felt the smell of modern varieties already in 2004 when growing) I gradually began to trim and smoke with friends. The effect was very funny. We laughed with friends until our stomachs hurt. I started smoking weed in 1995, but such effects were very rare. My eyes turned red from smoking, my mouth dried out so much that my lips stuck to my teeth. A brutal appetite arose. The food became incredibly tasty. The music became very pleasant.
I myself fell several times laughing from a bridge into a ravine with nettles from a height of 2 meters.
Due to stress on a cold windowsill, the plant became germinated and self-pollinated. I did not know before that plants can be cloned and the hope was for ripening seeds.
The seeds ripened, I collected them, and smoked the remains of the plant with friends.
I planted the resulting seeds, but new harvests did not give such a laughing effect.
And later these seeds disappeared for some reasons.

Does anyone know if there are similar effects in modern varieties? Which variety should I buy?
I have grown more than 50 different varieties in 20 years, but they did not give such effects. I met people through a forum from Kazakhstan, they sent me seeds from 3 places. Even from Shymkent, but there was no such effect. I know that in Kazakhstan hemp grows everywhere like a weed.

I classify this plant as an indica, because sativa makes me anxious or paranoid, I don't know what it's called exactly. And from what I grew then I didn't feel anxious.
Ok so Kazakhstan is ruderalis not the highest THC anyway in a population you can find some balanced thc 1 and 1 CBD ratio phenos you will find THC dominant and CBD dominant plants as well the 1 and 1 ones are the ones you want Kwik seeds sells Kazakhstan seeds straight from source if you want more they got em there solid to deal with as well and ship world wide also alternatively you can look at 1 and 1 THC/CBD strains that are hybrids like sweet and sour widow for example that's a good one last thing to give me the giggles hard and I smoke relatively strong stuff alot this kinda reminded me of hash seems the 1 and 1 stuff is as close as you will get to it in bud form short of making your own dry sift hash the phenos with no effect are the CBD dominant low THC plants
I can't tell if it was Ruderalis or not. But it was impossible to smoke more than two puffs. And we always got in the way with tobacco. Those who were greedy and took 3 puffs fell after a while.
I can't tell if it was Ruderalis or not. But it was impossible to smoke more than two puffs. And we always got in the way with tobacco. Those who were greedy and took 3 puffs fell after a while.
I'm sure all weed in Kazakhstan is ruderalis with drug plant ancestry if it's genuine Kazakh the fact it has nice smells and not super loose buds points to that.

Did it look like this at all?

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I can't tell if it was Ruderalis or not. But it was impossible to smoke more than two puffs. And we always got in the way with tobacco. Those who were greedy and took 3 puffs fell after a while.
Sounds like my kind of stuff I like potent stuff be it stuff that calms you and nails you to the couch or the stuff that makes your heart and mind race you know the stuff alot of people get too nervous on but my tolerance is very high and I like the full spectrum for me It all has it's right place right time
Sounds like a worthwhile Hunt! Strains that bring the best laughter.. that would be something!
I made some edibles last year that set my friends into fits of giggles for hours.. was lovely.
I'm sure all weed in Kazakhstan is ruderalis with drug plant ancestry if it's genuine Kazakh the fact it has nice smells and not super loose buds points to that.

Did it look like this at all?

No, it didn't look like that. Ordinary hemp leaves have 5-9-11 petals. A small tree has grown on the windowsill. Because of the small pot. And the offspring in the out was about 2-2.5 meters. And the trunk at the base is 5 cm thick.
Kazakhstan is a huge country with a large temperature difference at its extreme points. The word "cannabis" has a vividly negative meaning: only crime is associated with the plant. Changes for the better in this matter are just beginning.

The use of cannabis in Kazakhstan is a long—standing tradition. Natural conditions contribute to this: wild game can be encountered everywhere, but its psychoactive varieties are not found everywhere. Although cannabis grows in northern areas near cities, it is not of high quality. The bulk of it grows in the south of the country.

Chui Valley
The most famous and largest producer of cannabis and hashish in Kazakhstan is the Chui region, located in the south of the country (Dzhambul region) near the city of Shu, near the border with Kyrgyzstan.

The valley stretches along the small Shu River, which crosses the Zhambyl region. The areas in the steppe, lowlands, and the slopes of small hills are covered with high-potency cannabis of various varieties, which has been growing wildly for many years.

If you believe the rumors, the valley appeared after an unsuccessful experiment — in Soviet times, cannabis was wanted to be grown for industrial needs, but the sown varieties interbred with local species and mutated.

The government of Kazakhstan estimates the size of the valley at 140 thousand hectares, foreign observers who traveled to the region (we are talking about French experts from the OGD) call the figure twice as high.

Rounding up the data of local and independent experts, we get a figure of 300-400 square meters. km, or about 5,000 tons of annual harvest (freshly cut "cones" of hemp are taken into account, and not the total green mass).

According to eyewitnesses, Chui hemp surpasses most varieties known to man. The "effectiveness" of some of its varieties is comparable to Nepalese hashish, that is, one or two puffs are already enough for two hours of euphoria. A cigarette with a good chew is allowed in a circle of 5-6 people at once. Irina Borogan, a correspondent of the Izvestia newspaper, who visited the Chui region in the autumn of 2000, dedicated a large article "The Enchanted Valley" to him.

The valley is a legendary place for every smoker. She keeps a lot of secrets, money and human lives. According to the author, the place, in which an incredible amount of psychotropic cannabis is growing by itself, is comparable in profitability to a gold mine.

Even in the harsh communist years, huge amounts of money were received from the processing of Chui cannabis. According to some evidence, large army and police officials organized the harvesting and shipping of tons of product.

In the 70s, on instructions from above, military units regularly participated in the fight against cannabis. The soldiers mowed down the plants and burned huge piles. Local residents noticed that knowledgeable people were in charge of the "cleanup": the soldiers destroyed far from the best plants, and for the most part — waste grass, unsuitable even for the production of hashish. The "pruning" hemp remained in the same place until it was fully ripe. Subsequently, the bushes were mowed down and disappeared in an unknown direction. The ending is quite possible to imagine: the soldiers dried cannabis on a "shala" or made hashish. The products were exported uncontrollably and in huge quantities on military equipment.

In addition to the Chui region, large plantations of up to 30,000 hectares are also located in the Taldy-Kurgan region, in the Alma-Ata district and around the city of Kyzyl-Orda. Although smaller than the Chui Valley, these nature reserves yield thousands of kilograms of annual harvest.

Export "material" can be found primarily in northern Kazakhstan, the Urals and western Siberia. The delivery routes are different, but most of them are transported by car.

In 1996, the newspaper Kommersant wrote about a truck with the license plates of the city of Shymkent that was detained in the Arkhangelsk region. There were several dozen bags of Chui cannabis weighing more than 2,000 kilograms under the layer of watermelons. How many trucks with bags drove unnoticed to their destination is anyone's guess.

The use of cannabis in the country is a long—standing tradition. There are no statistics here, but according to unofficial data, in Kazakhstan, almost 20-30% of the male urban population smoke, and in rural areas this figure is even higher.

Prices are about the same across the country. A glass of grass costs 5000-7000 tenge (about 20 euros), a matchbox costs 700-1000 tenge (about 4 euros).

You can buy cannabis only by acquaintance, there are no permanent places or cafes cooperating with dealers.

The legislation in Kazakhstan is very similar to the Russian one, that is, smokers are not favored at all and are treated as social elements. The only difference is that Kazakhstan does not have a separate drug control structure, like the Russian Federal Drug Control Service.

Possession of negligible amounts of cannabis is criminally punishable. Smoking a cigarette with "weed" is equated to a serious crime and can result in a three-year prison sentence. Any commerce is punished even more harshly, while the separation between heroin and cannabis dealing is not carried out, the attitude towards dealers is the most derogatory.

Corruption in the Interior Ministry is extremely developed: dating or a bribe will help to avoid punishment, but not always. The average jackpot of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ranges from 100-200 euros — when detained with a cigarette or two, or several thousand euros - in larger quantities.
Somewhere in 2003, I got 1 seed through 3 hands from a Kazakh who came to our town. He was from the city of Chimkent.
I sprouted this seed and simply planted it on the windowsill in September. In my region, cold winters and ice forms on the glass. The plant grew very slowly and one leaf even froze to the icy window. Somewhere in December - January, the plant began to bloom.
There was no smell of marijuana. There was a smell of hashish - resin. (I felt the smell of modern varieties already in 2004 when growing) I gradually began to trim and smoke with friends. The effect was very funny. We laughed with friends until our stomachs hurt. I started smoking weed in 1995, but such effects were very rare. My eyes turned red from smoking, my mouth dried out so much that my lips stuck to my teeth. A brutal appetite arose. The food became incredibly tasty. The music became very pleasant.
I myself fell several times laughing from a bridge into a ravine with nettles from a height of 2 meters.
Due to stress on a cold windowsill, the plant became germinated and self-pollinated. I did not know before that plants can be cloned and the hope was for ripening seeds.
The seeds ripened, I collected them, and smoked the remains of the plant with friends.
I planted the resulting seeds, but new harvests did not give such a laughing effect.
And later these seeds disappeared for some reasons.

Does anyone know if there are similar effects in modern varieties? Which variety should I buy?
I have grown more than 50 different varieties in 20 years, but they did not give such effects. I met people through a forum from Kazakhstan, they sent me seeds from 3 places. Even from Shymkent, but there was no such effect. I know that in Kazakhstan hemp grows everywhere like a weed.

I classify this plant as an indica, because sativa makes me anxious or paranoid, I don't know what it's called exactly. And from what I grew then I didn't feel anxious.
sounds like the classic haze high try a super silver or amnezia

but you should never chase the feeling, weed just amplifies how you feel currently. if you are not in a good place same weed will just make you paranoid.
sounds like the classic haze high try a super silver or amnezia

but you should never chase the feeling, weed just amplifies how you feel currently. if you are not in a good place same weed will just make you paranoid.

Super Silver Haze, Amnesia Haze or just Amnesia?
no idea what amnesia is that something random for anesia seeds.... haze is the real amnesia
Well there's the first one the original that's meant to be either Nevils haze x Afghani or ssh x Nevils haze depends who you ask them you got the kore cut that's a ssh pheno supposedly then you got somas amnesia haze lines to add to the confusion actually just the original amnesia predates the one with haze in the name I'm sure that's from hypro originally anyway there's alot of variations of it especially in Europe
Kazakhstan is a huge country with a large temperature difference at its extreme points. The word "cannabis" has a vividly negative meaning: only crime is associated with the plant. Changes for the better in this matter are just beginning.

The use of cannabis in Kazakhstan is a long—standing tradition. Natural conditions contribute to this: wild game can be encountered everywhere, but its psychoactive varieties are not found everywhere. Although cannabis grows in northern areas near cities, it is not of high quality. The bulk of it grows in the south of the country.

Chui Valley
The most famous and largest producer of cannabis and hashish in Kazakhstan is the Chui region, located in the south of the country (Dzhambul region) near the city of Shu, near the border with Kyrgyzstan.

The valley stretches along the small Shu River, which crosses the Zhambyl region. The areas in the steppe, lowlands, and the slopes of small hills are covered with high-potency cannabis of various varieties, which has been growing wildly for many years.

If you believe the rumors, the valley appeared after an unsuccessful experiment — in Soviet times, cannabis was wanted to be grown for industrial needs, but the sown varieties interbred with local species and mutated.

The government of Kazakhstan estimates the size of the valley at 140 thousand hectares, foreign observers who traveled to the region (we are talking about French experts from the OGD) call the figure twice as high.

Rounding up the data of local and independent experts, we get a figure of 300-400 square meters. km, or about 5,000 tons of annual harvest (freshly cut "cones" of hemp are taken into account, and not the total green mass).

According to eyewitnesses, Chui hemp surpasses most varieties known to man. The "effectiveness" of some of its varieties is comparable to Nepalese hashish, that is, one or two puffs are already enough for two hours of euphoria. A cigarette with a good chew is allowed in a circle of 5-6 people at once. Irina Borogan, a correspondent of the Izvestia newspaper, who visited the Chui region in the autumn of 2000, dedicated a large article "The Enchanted Valley" to him.

The valley is a legendary place for every smoker. She keeps a lot of secrets, money and human lives. According to the author, the place, in which an incredible amount of psychotropic cannabis is growing by itself, is comparable in profitability to a gold mine.

Even in the harsh communist years, huge amounts of money were received from the processing of Chui cannabis. According to some evidence, large army and police officials organized the harvesting and shipping of tons of product.

In the 70s, on instructions from above, military units regularly participated in the fight against cannabis. The soldiers mowed down the plants and burned huge piles. Local residents noticed that knowledgeable people were in charge of the "cleanup": the soldiers destroyed far from the best plants, and for the most part — waste grass, unsuitable even for the production of hashish. The "pruning" hemp remained in the same place until it was fully ripe. Subsequently, the bushes were mowed down and disappeared in an unknown direction. The ending is quite possible to imagine: the soldiers dried cannabis on a "shala" or made hashish. The products were exported uncontrollably and in huge quantities on military equipment.

In addition to the Chui region, large plantations of up to 30,000 hectares are also located in the Taldy-Kurgan region, in the Alma-Ata district and around the city of Kyzyl-Orda. Although smaller than the Chui Valley, these nature reserves yield thousands of kilograms of annual harvest.

Export "material" can be found primarily in northern Kazakhstan, the Urals and western Siberia. The delivery routes are different, but most of them are transported by car.

In 1996, the newspaper Kommersant wrote about a truck with the license plates of the city of Shymkent that was detained in the Arkhangelsk region. There were several dozen bags of Chui cannabis weighing more than 2,000 kilograms under the layer of watermelons. How many trucks with bags drove unnoticed to their destination is anyone's guess.

The use of cannabis in the country is a long—standing tradition. There are no statistics here, but according to unofficial data, in Kazakhstan, almost 20-30% of the male urban population smoke, and in rural areas this figure is even higher.

Prices are about the same across the country. A glass of grass costs 5000-7000 tenge (about 20 euros), a matchbox costs 700-1000 tenge (about 4 euros).

You can buy cannabis only by acquaintance, there are no permanent places or cafes cooperating with dealers.

The legislation in Kazakhstan is very similar to the Russian one, that is, smokers are not favored at all and are treated as social elements. The only difference is that Kazakhstan does not have a separate drug control structure, like the Russian Federal Drug Control Service.

Possession of negligible amounts of cannabis is criminally punishable. Smoking a cigarette with "weed" is equated to a serious crime and can result in a three-year prison sentence. Any commerce is punished even more harshly, while the separation between heroin and cannabis dealing is not carried out, the attitude towards dealers is the most derogatory.

Corruption in the Interior Ministry is extremely developed: dating or a bribe will help to avoid punishment, but not always. The average jackpot of an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs ranges from 100-200 euros — when detained with a cigarette or two, or several thousand euros - in larger quantities.
Yeah it's huge I know this huge valleys etc but most of it is ruderal genetics mind you it's possible they do have some straight photo strains somewhere I have smoked some sativa from Tajikistan but that was more semi auto kind of stuff but it exists so who knows bud