LAVENDER, WUSH very nice


Active Member
i am very new here and must admit i am very reluctanly posting these picture due to the whole internet thing but screw it. here are a few pics of my lastest round. i hope u all enjoy and please consructive critisim only!!!
i have a few more photos located in my profile photo album !!!
set up

lights: 4 1000w hortilux hps
trays: 2 white flood trays
res: 1 120g
nutes: gh 3 part with some very fine additives floro kleen for rinse after harsh additives and for the last two days, straight water and darkness for the final 3 days before harvest


whats the set up they are well im feeling them man

i am very new here and must admit i am very reluctanly posting these picture due to the whole internet thing but screw it. here are a few pics of my lastest round. i hope u all enjoy and please consructive critisim only!!!
i have a few more photos located in my profile photo album !!!


Active Member
come on guys leave me some feed back i would love to hear what other growers have to say about my pride and joy's


lookin great!!! keep up the good work!
don't get discouraged! 4k watts? very nice!
how many plants are you workin with?
:bigjoint:happy 4/20bongsmilie


Active Member
thanks man!!! i wish i could have more than i am allowed but hey at least i get to have the ones that ive got ... i will be posting pictures of the dried flowers in a few days. I also have more pics in my profile photo album fell free to check those out also

tea tree

Well-Known Member
right on. i myself am vegging out a lavender clone right now and am takin gcutting to do four in flower in five gallon dwcs under a 600 watt hps with co2. i here she is so purple she is black. cool.


Active Member
yeah if done properly she gets real nasty but mine seem to have more of a lavender purple opposed to the real deep "black" purp. i will be posting more pics soon