Law trouble.. Help? =/


Well-Known Member
Well, 6am this morning my friends door was broke down... They was searching for a gun that some fucking snitch told them about. They tore up the whole place until they found the gun. They eventually found it. He now is going before a judge in a bit, myself and others will be there.

They did not have a warrant... so, is there anything we can do to help him out?

Edit - They have been watching him for a while since they knew his baby daughter (my cuzin) goes their every thursday night and stays over...


Well-Known Member
He's not seeing the judge today... wow
They're only charging him for the raddi, not the bud.


Well-Known Member
thats fucked up... if they didnt have a warrant then they would have to have been invited in to search and im guessing that didnt happen so theres something wrong there... dont kno what its called exactly but its defintley fucked up... u wanna kno what kills me... is that whenever i got caught doing anything its cuz someone snitched on me... i got no tolerance for rattin ass niggaz... if u ever told on someone for anything u a rat and deserve to be poisoned like one...


Well-Known Member
I feel you on that last part, that's exactly how I feel.
No, they were not invited. They also locked his mother up also but, I think she's out now.

Edit - They just broke down the door, no knocking, no door bell, no warning. Now what really pisses me the fuck off is, they knew my baby cousin (his daughter) goes over the house every thursday night and sleeps over. What if she was walking near the door when the broke it down... omg... They even mentioned later on "wheres the baby, she's supposed to be here"


Well-Known Member
Well, 6am this morning my friends door was broke down... They was searching for a gun that some fucking snitch told them about. They tore up the whole place until they found the gun. They eventually found it. He now is going before a judge in a bit, myself and others will be there.

They did not have a warrant... so, is there anything we can do to help him out?

Edit - They have been watching him for a while since they knew his baby daughter (my cuzin) goes their every thursday night and stays over...
What the fuck u wanna do man ? there the fucking police !

The only thing u could do is... Tell the truth... for what did he need the gun ?

Self defence... ? I also study'd law for 2 years in switzerland and quit that course cuz im working on my Sport Career...... but im not sure if its the same in america...

In switzerland you could have those police arrested for coming to your home without a search warrent..... They could of been sum fucking assholes wanting to kill me i would of said ! How the hell would u know there poilice ?....

1. is your friend a criminal ?

2. was is for self defence the gun ? <----- if this is true.. and no dead ppl or wounded ppl are found hurt by this gun, he will be fine !!!!!

3. you could make loads of excuses!

4 this is very important.

TELL YOUR FRIEND NOT TO TALK AT ALL UNTILL A LAWYER COMES TO HELP HIM OUT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Might seem hard around those wankers, but keep still and chilld ! very hard to do but easy to say...

Hope he didnt do anything wrong with this gun... and he's got a daughter !!! damn those police are biatches....

Oh yeah in some states police dont need a search warraent if there are suspecting a murder, drug dealer whatever thats bad...

thats what i know...

And how did u find out bout this stuff yo ?


Well-Known Member
I don't know if the gun has any bodies on it... I doubt he killed anyone but, who knows what the person before him did with it.

I know about all this because I was at the precent for 5 hours, until they took him to another place and said we can't follow.


Well-Known Member
it really doesnt sound like law trouble to me. it is more of a life style you choose. I understand the want for a gun in the home, but you have to know it is clean. sounds like this dude was just asking for some trouble.


Well-Known Member
well it seems like you cant do anything about it !

He shouldnt have a gun without a permit ! fools or not a fool use them to get revenge, it only takes 1 pull then your dead... guns do bad things man, i mean like, have u seen a guy's fake opend by a gun... he's still alive and just shaking..... not for 1 min but for like 20 minutes or so... I have seen this shit happen :(...... ohwell.... I think you should give more info's on this... i mean your trying to help him but dont know whats going on and want us to know whats going on... ?

I feel sorry for him if he's not responsible for anything.... but if he is ... im glad they got him ^^



Well-Known Member
he on parole or probation or any of that then they dont really need no warrant... but damn thats a good point bout if his daughter was playing by the door when they kicked it in.... police officers take they jobs too seriously they jus abuse their authority and think they someone special... your a failure when you take pride and joy in ruining lives.... not saying this bout all police officers but all police have abused their authority or did some shit they aint have to do.


Well-Known Member
He wasn't on Parole or Probation and what other info should I provide you guys with? How much would a lawyer cost?


Well-Known Member
at least 1500 for the lawyer less u go with the DA... im guessin he dont got no license or no paperwork on the gun... he lookn at a felony charge at least tho.... the best way not to get snitched on is not to tell anyone anything.


Well-Known Member
unless his door was wide up open or he let them in...idk, i'm not a lawyer i'm a pot head. You are probably on the wrong website if you want good legal advise...


Active Member
i don't think they were told theire is a gun in there and they went right in...their is a lot missing here...


Active Member
About the warrant thing. My friend was telling me if you own a registered hand gun the police have warrant to search your home at any time. Apparently it happen to his uncle.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a dirty weapon to me, mate.

To be honest, he's fucked when it comes to the gun. I've known people who have had guns waved in their face for hours while they were wrecking their peyote garden, and they just laid out the search warrant page by page until it was all said and done.
And I do believe it is legal to raid a home without a present warrant if firearms are present.