Laws/Security in This State


Well-Known Member
So I have been reading "outdoor security" threads on here and was wondering how the laws go here as far as defending yourself?

Some people said you can get in trouble/cause problems for yourself by protecting yourself in your backyard.. Can this really happen? I mean, if someone trespasses onto MY property trying to attack ME aren't I just defending myself?

I know firearms are a big no no. I've just been camping outside with either my baseball bat or machete/bear spray combo. What do you all think?

It is 100% compliant with our states laws, so I would not hesitate to call the cops if need be.
Although to make it 100% compliant I had to put up a chicken wire fence with a chicken wire roof on it to be completely compliant. I wonder if this could of caused suspicion to rippers?

One guy in a security thread said this: "Don't talk about it don't show anyone don't socialize with anyone don't have a girlfriend and you should be ok, nobody will know its there but you. If thieves(pros) want it they will get it, I knew someone that lost 2 chained up Harleys in a shed with 2 dogs guarding , not a sound was heard."

-I pretty much live by these rules, as i've seen girlfriends/friends fuck over other friends wayyyy to many times... Greedy bastards. Same with neighbors as I don't trust many..

Any help/advice is greatly appreciated. Just want to know how my actions will effect me legally. I feel I have every right to protect myself, my family and my dogs on MY property.
Thank you SnapsProvolone, I truly appreciate that. Was starting to freak out thinking I would get in legal trouble for trying to protect me and my family if an intruder tried assaulting us.

Lady at garden center said I could get assault charges and what she recommended was having a gun & firing off a "warning shot" to scare them off. I am a big fan of guns, but last year when talking to my attorney he made it very clear to def. NOT have firearms if a medical patient/growing.
Key words is "I was in fear for my life, where's my attorney." Then say no more.
I was actually just discussing this with a family member (how to word it) so thank you! Very good to know and be aware of.

NOT have firearms if a medical patient/growing....... is this true?
Yes, I can't remember penalties/laws with it, different in each state I think. I'll have to get my packet my attorney gave me a while back to find out what they are here. (Too lazy right now + got to get to work) But I do know that ATF has has stated multiple times to not possess firearms if a grower. It is to my understanding that even if you are 100% compliant with the laws & have a firearm then the feds WILL get involved. And my attorney said this is very bad considering Federal law triumphs state law. (If I remember right, I believe 99% of case's here are on a state level)

I asked him what if I have one of my Gpa's old guns, but completely disassembled hanging up somewhere?

He replied saying they would argue in court that I was trained and could reassemble that gun within 30 seconds and be ready to use it... Ridiculous. Gotta love prohibition.

I actually read an article a while back that said if you are a registered patient, they will not sell firearms to you (May of been in a different state or may be throughout the U.S., I can't remember)
Well, double check with someone else, as my memory could be a little fuzzy.

Best of luck anyway though man stay safe.
I asked him what if I have one of my Gpa's old guns, but completely disassembled hanging up somewhere?

He replied saying they would argue in court that I was trained and could reassemble that gun within 30 seconds and be ready to use it... Ridiculous. Gotta love prohibition.

Not quite the same situation, but I was arrested when I lived in Texas with a pound and some hash. Anyway, they took my great grandfathers old WWI gun out of my house. It was completely inoperable, and tried to charge me with it. In the end I was super lucky and the entire case got dropped after the supreme court ruling in the Jardines case with the drug dog. I dont know if they would have been successful or not, but I would take zero chances.

Never did get the gun back.
Damn bro I am really sorry to hear that, sounds terrible. Sucks loosing your grandfathers gun over that. So no charges because of the drug dog thing? My buddy use to live in Texas and said that is one of the worst states to be in as far as cannabis laws. I've heard they bring down the hammer hard!

I've been seeing a ton of Texas license plates around since legalization.. Wonder what they are here for hmmmm lol.
hey extacie so your legal to grow outside if your plants are contained right? so you containing them with chicken wire is legit. i was planning on making a diy greenhouses with old windows but chicken wire for now could be my solution to outdoor growing
Damn bro I am really sorry to hear that, sounds terrible. Sucks loosing your grandfathers gun over that. So no charges because of the drug dog thing? My buddy use to live in Texas and said that is one of the worst states to be in as far as cannabis laws. I've heard they bring down the hammer hard!

I've been seeing a ton of Texas license plates around since legalization.. Wonder what they are here for hmmmm lol.

Ya, sucked losing the gun. Only thing I cant replace from the whole ordeal.

The cops got a warrant based on 2 things in my case. A CI and a drug dog. The CI was from 3 months before the arrest so lawyer was able to argue that was stale information. When the supreme court ruling came down it basically struck the drug dog portion out of the warrant and they weren't left with enough to justify getting the warrant in the first place. Lawyer delayed my case forever waiting on that ruling. I got very lucky.

Texas is pretty terrible for drug laws, but they are in the process of trying to get more reasonable laws in place. Austin or specifically Travis county where I lived wasn't too bad. If cops caught you with less than a QP it was just a summons.

Of course then you have that case where the kid that got caught with some pot brownies. He told the cops he was using hash oil to make them. They proceed to weigh out the brownies and charge him with possession of over a 1lb of a controlled substance. In texas hash or any concentrate is considered a controlled substance still.
Gotta hate CI's. It is good your situation worked out for you that way. Sounds like you did get lucky and it could of gone much worse.

In your original area that doesn't sound too bad, nothing like I was thinking. Where i'm originally from a QP is a felony.

DAMN trying to give him life?! That is terrible, over some plant.. Man that is really terrible. I've been told at one point they use to do that here (Weigh the whole brownies as opposed to just the amount of cannabis used) Sucks he told them he used concentrates to make it.
I actually read an article a while back that said if you are a registered patient, they will not sell firearms to you (May of been in a different state or may be throughout the U.S., I can't remember)

dont believe everything that you read.

your medical records are confidential. this includes background searches and things like firearms licensing, drivers license checks, etc.
Very good point, I had not considered that.

I wonder how confidential it actually is though? I've read of "leaks" before, but I don't think that applies to purchasing guns or ammunition.

While I am thinking about it, does anyone know the laws on bows? Is it legal to posses those as a medical patient/grower? Had a hard time finding the answer online.
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The background check paperwork for buying a firearm in Colorado has a question that asks if you are a marijuana user. If you answer yes, no gun for you. Maybe it is just me, but that seems like a pretty clear violation of our second amendment rights.
Found out that it IS legal to possess bows and/or cross bows.

Anyone know about BB/Pellet guns?

After reading through federal laws it would appear that you are allowed to have them (Not considered firearms by the federal law), but I am not sure with our state inparticular.