Lazy Ladies in Hempy (HELP)


Well-Known Member
I have ak48 in miracle grow perlite for 5 days. They are each under 2x27watt, 2800 total lumen per plant CFL's. I water using poland spring water daily only a few teaspoons although yesterday I flushed.

Two big issues I am seeing:
1. They are bending 90 degrees, like laying on their side. Temp are good at 75-76 degrees. Lights are on 24 hours. when I touch them they seem strong. just not growing toward the lights.

2. bigger concern since there are no nuts (well mg has a tiny bit), the stalks are purple and one of the leaves on the underside is purple. I thought I should not start feeding until three weeks but this seems a bit odd.

Can anyone help please?:confused::confused::confused:


Well-Known Member
if you have pots filled with perlite and no system such as flood and drain, id say your plants are getting dried out


Well-Known Member
cyborg makes a point peralite may be sucking all your water away seeing how you are watering them such a small amount and the pearlite is made to adsorb and slowly release you may just have a shit load of dry pearlite lower in the pot and its just feeding off off the small amounts of water you are trying to get to the seedling. and also make sure your ph levs are correct even with seedlings 6.5 is good last time i checked the ph of poland springs i was shocked at how high the ph was.


Well-Known Member
if you have pots filled with perlite and no system such as flood and drain, id say your plants are getting dried out
Hempy buckets are passive hydro, there is a 2in reservoir at the bottom of the bucket.:joint:


Well-Known Member
i found it very slow. the 2" rez is relevant when the roots reach it. in the beginning it was really slow but even still it was not growing alot. I moved it to MiracleGrow and POW they grew like mad (after a couple of days shock). Out of six, four were males and the other two are now in their 4th week of flowering. I will put pics on my grow journal.

Hempy is cool just not for me.