lazy people

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
are so annoying. i got a friend who always wants to do what he wants but anything else he doesnt wanna do. he wants me to go out of my way and pick him up instead of him getting some gas and driving 5 miles.

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha good idea. hes gotta get gas anyways sometime hes got work at 6 in the morning tomorrow i would deffenitly rather get gas now then that early before work.


are so annoying. i got a friend who always wants to do what he wants but anything else he doesnt wanna do. he wants me to go out of my way and pick him up instead of him getting some gas and driving 5 miles.
Dude i have your solution! Drive your lazy ass friend hundreds of miles out into the middle of nowere, preferably over the border, and ask him to get out and check your tire to see if the puncture you repaired earlier is still ok.........Make sure he has no cellphone on him, if he makes it back alive, he ain't so lazy afterall!


people need to learn to walk, ride bikes and get off there ass.

I agree, although i think the bigger problem is that the people that are riding the bikes, wont stop riding into the people that are walking and putting them back on there asses!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
Dude i have your solution! Drive your lazy ass friend hundreds of miles out into the middle of nowere, preferably over the border, and ask him to get out and check your tire to see if the puncture you repaired earlier is still ok.........Make sure he has no cellphone on him, if he makes it back alive, he ain't so lazy afterall!
haha that would be so funny! my girl was watching suburgatory or whatever and the daughter said something about not having challenges so then her mom drives her like 5 miles out to look at a tree and she just speeds off haha.

he likes to smoke alot atleast compared to me. i take about 3-4 bong rips a day. but it does make me lazy and that is why i dont smoke to much haha


haha that would be so funny! my girl was watching suburgatory or whatever and the daughter said something about not having challenges so then her mom drives her like 5 miles out to look at a tree and she just speeds off haha.

he likes to smoke alot atleast compared to me. i take about 3-4 bong rips a day. but it does make me lazy and that is why i dont smoke to much haha
Man i would love to be able to say i smoke 3-4 bong hits a day, its more like 3-4 grams for me!! Haha that sounds funny bout the mom driving off on her daughter, you should try it too!


i mainly smoke water fuckits or gravity bongs as some americans call them! I usually smoke 2 or 3 of them at a time depending on my mood, each one always has its gause packed out with high quality weed! I usualy turn down about 5 or 6 bags a week, if it doesn't stink nicely, and the buds are leafy/ have no resin, i ain't buying it!!

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
haha nice high quality weed is a must i wish i could see the weed i buy... i got my friend getting it for me since hes friends with the dude and gets better deals haha but its always some killer bud. dont know what a water fuckit is. i like gravity bongs i wish i had a gravitron. one of my hits gets me real high if i took more than one i would fall asleep within an hour or two haha