lead in water in flint?


Well-Known Member
Yes~siree! You see our fine republican gov. Taking charge and getting it done from day one! Fucker never said a DAMN WORD about it till just a cpl weeks ago!
Now I might not have liked our last Gov. (democrat) Grandholm much either ("bad drivers tax" and increased prison spending) But I tell you frick'in what. SHE would have been announcing on national TV that we need help and we need it NOW right on day 2 after it was found out! On day 3 SHE would have PERSONALLY been standing at a table handing out filters and water herself!

We have one of the most corrupt states in the country and the politics is a joke too!

Elections matter, and this is a prime example.

So at what point do we get to call America a third world country? High rates of infant mortality? Check. Unsafe water? Yep. A culture of corruption in politics and law enforcement? You betcha! Mega corps breaking the law with impunity? Uh huh...

Did I leave anything out? Yes; poor treatment of disabled, mentally ill and economically disadvantaged? Putting down peaceful demonstrations with MILITARY EQUIPMENT AND TACTICS? Blatant racism and racial profiling at home, on the street and at work?

I don't know about y'all, but I see a pattern here.


Well-Known Member
Personally i think America slowly falling apart and the divisiveness is by design. Planned out long ago by a very small very secret very powerful group of people that do not want borders. They want one world government for the planet. Sectioned off into trading blocks. Call me a conspiracy nut but these conspiracy ideas seem to be certainly falling in line arent they?


Staff member
this is NOT politics subtopic.
do not make this into a political debate in the general growing forum area.
these topics dont go well over in our marijuana forums, so we ask if you want to politically debate use our politics subsection.

keep this thread about plants and watering


Well-Known Member
I got something for you Bro!
Ever hear of the the TED radio hr?

Ever heard of Nick Hanauer?


You NEED to listen to what this guy has to say!


Now why the HELL isn't HE running for pres?
I've seen this very TED talk, and Nick knows better than to run for president. Nevermind the pay cut, he's plenty well off enough not to want to deal with Washington politics.

Speaking of, if there's a thread on the Flint water situation in the political section, please post a link here so we can respect the mod's request.


Well-Known Member
Back to the subject....i have no clue if flint town buds will be leaded or unleaded. Its a good question really. I know i dont smoke them nor do my patients.


Well-Known Member
So i just ran across an idea, for people that are experiencing lead problems, can we have a fill line to fill water jugs with or for hydro that runs through the filters for fridge water? You can get them cheap at walmart.