leaf based problem i cant identify?


Active Member
Lets start with the pictures and by saying im not coming in here half cocked, i have looked at various plant problem FAQs and cant see anything which perfectly describes my problem, anyway, here are the pics, any help would be greatly appreciated:

Two of my plants have this, both are a week or two into flowering and it appears to be getting worse, i thought initially it was nute burn and flushed the plants immediately but it does appear to be getting worse.

Theyve been fed on baby bio mixed with tomato feed during veg and then comfrey solution and tomato feed mixed for flowering (more for the trace elements than anything)

I think thats all the relevant info i can give, thanks in advance.


Active Member
And might i add these are outside during the day and inside at night so it not connected to being too close to light or anything.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
As a rule of thumb I always look for bugs first, then I check how much nutes ( not a nute prob) then I flush. I would say some time of flying bug. Good luck!!!


Well-Known Member
hm...that looks to me like a plant pathogen. could be fungal or bacterial, but if it's a pathogen it is inside the plant, and the affected areas would need to be chopped, if not the whole plant. Unless your flowering cycle can outrace the pathogen, in which case just keep going...perhaps you can harvest before it kills your girl.

Hope i'm wrong


Well-Known Member
Is it on all leaves ?...it looks like splashed nutes onto the leaf.. Can't always tell by a 1 leaf pic.....you need to see the whole plant... In FAQ they have a great leaf symptom chart w/pics..If its only on a couple of leaves just watch if it progresses, over flushing can cause a whole other set of problems..seems good, no burnt tips, good color.....luck


Well-Known Member
Yep, my plants have done exactly that every time I use fertilizer. Give them fresh, clean water and the new growth comes back fine. It only seems to happen on the older growth. Doesn't worry me anywhere NEARLY as much as whatever the fuck is EATING them, that's fo' sho'.


Active Member
Its an insect based problem i now believe after closer inspection, small green winged things sucking on the leaves producing the white spots, so what now?

Im thinking spraying with a soap solution?


Well-Known Member
Those are Thrips! They are vampire insects! Use insecticidal soap or make your own with ivory soap and water.KEEP SMOKE ALIVE!!


Active Member
Right, theyve had a spraying with a soap solution and then a rinse, now i know its not a nute based problem theyve also been fed for the first time in a week.

All i can do now i assume is keep spraying and rinsing daily along with manual removal of any of the little feckers i can see and hope for the best?


Active Member
Sorry to be a pain in the arse again, thought i had it sorted but it appears not and now ive just lost my fanleaves due to them pretty much disintegrating as they were so dry and browned at the edges with the white spots in evidence too.

firstly it was just the lower leaves but now pretty much all of them have some minor evidence and im at a loss at what to do.