Leaf bud or male?


Active Member
Just wondering if this is a new leaf or is this the male pre flowers? I have finally figured out the females. But I have yet to see a live male. The pics I have seen of a male plant kinda look like this. But still unsure of myself. I already screwed up and pulled 2 Blueberry clones cause I thought the were hermies. I don't want to screw up and pollinate my garden by a missed male.:confused: All and any help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Notice that it is a ball on a tiny little stem...
Also, what I noticed from my plants, new growth lacks the stem, and the top of the seemingly forming balls looks kinda like an ants head, with pincers on it :D


Well-Known Member
Dont pull it too early until you know for sure. To me the male preflowers look like tiny watermelons. You usually have about 2 weeks after they form until they start opening and release pollen


Active Member
Oh thank you guys sooo much! I thought so. Believe it or not I am glad it's a male. I needed to see for sure for the experiance. Even thow he sure is purty.


Active Member
Thanks for the condolances jjbt420, but actually so far they are almost all female. Except these 2 and maybe 2 others I am watching. I have a few plants.