leaf claws...just second guessing myself. please help


Well-Known Member
alright...so more and more reading is leading me to believe I may have Nitrogen levels that are too high in addition to root damage from overwatering. so i am gonna let her dry out again...and flush a few times then
change my nutes to something more like a 4/8/8....time will tell...but she looks worse after I watered her a few hours ago.


Well-Known Member
yeah i read they like alot of nitrogen during flowering too, but now i'm going to wreck your head!! Because my mate uses alaskan morbloom which is 0-10-10, and hes had some pretty kool results over the last year. These plants are just like women. You get some upbeat and outgoing ones, then you get the stuck up bitchs...... which i think i have!

Your plants look really droopy honkey, how do you water? from top or bottom? I went into my grow room and my girls are looking quite green.
And no worrys on the shipping, theres products im sure you can get hold of that i cant and vice versa so...

Speak to ya later honkey, keep us posted :peace:


Well-Known Member
well...woke up this morning and it is getting worse....think a have a mag def now....lol...this one plant is driving me absolutely nuts! I dunno...i am getting frustrated. here it is today. BTW I water from the top. as far as overwatering goes...after i watered her yesterday she looks the same as far a droop and curl goes....just the yellow leaves. I hit her last night with some bloom nutes that were 15/30/15. I am gonna sit through the day and see what happens. :confused::confused::confused: my two big girls have the yellow leaves...odd thing is I didn't water the larger one yesterday....and my smallest girl is doin fine just makin a nice long bud up top....still baffled :blsmoke:


Nuclear Bud

Active Member
check your drainage in your pots when my drainage holes were too small shit like that would happen. when i was doing soil


Well-Known Member
yeah i agree with wackymack, would be nice to know whats going on tho.... try and nip it in the bud next time (no pun intended) I'd say mag is the most likely cause. I'm not at home so i dunno how my girls are doing but this morning they were looking okay. Still shitty, but no worse.


Well-Known Member
nuclear, chek my photos.... does that look like somthing you can relate too?? I hadn't wartered my plants for days and when i stick the moisture meter in it comes up as 'wet' So, i dried the soil a little. from now on i'm going to start watering from the bottom.


Well-Known Member
if i were u i would remove a good chunk of the fan leaves so more energy gets put into bud production.a plant will also kill its leaves on purpose so it can transfer unwanted energy into potential energy,its all biomechanics bra


Well-Known Member
if i were u i would remove a good chunk of the fan leaves so more energy gets put into bud production.a plant will also kill its leaves on purpose so it can transfer unwanted energy into potential energy,its all biomechanics bra
me? I still think I am about a month out on having this girl ready to cut


Well-Known Member
if u take the leaves off,then u may dub the weight of fin product.
well I am sold like a motha....I am gonna go trim and i will post a couple of pics before and after. I have thinned it twice since beginning of veg and it still is a damn bush. lol


Well-Known Member
sounds good wackymack, i'll remember that. It makes sense when you think about it, of coarse they will concentrate on budding if theres less leafs to concentrate on.


Well-Known Member
i tried to read the whole thread but i'm really high so i may ask some questions that were already on here.....

i noticed u put 1gal of water to a 5 gal bucket, is this ur normal watering?
do u uhave a fan blowing near the tops of the plants?
how often are u watering that bucket?

i had the same probs in my last few grows,,,,my leafs curling was my heat. When it comes to nutes, i learned that less is best, if ur unsure just wait a extra day or 2....i hardly feed my topped plant now....maybe once a week, if showing signs of needing nutes...


Well-Known Member
i myslef havnt watered for a while... my moisture sensor says wet so, i'd say a week. yeah i have a fan blowing over the top.


Well-Known Member
i myslef havnt watered for a while... my moisture sensor says wet so, i'd say a week. yeah i have a fan blowing over the top.

i used to go by the finger test...but since i handle my plants everyday i know how it feels when it needs to be watered...i go by the weight of the pot....


Well-Known Member
post a picture honkey! lol!! you dont sound sure about doing it dude!
lol...okay...I did it....here are the results...I trimmed fairly lightly...well at least i don't think a third....I can always take more off...can't put em back on...ha ha...I just looked at the pics...they look sad....first one is before...the rest are afters....you can really see how shitty the little leaves in the middle of the plant look now



Well-Known Member
this is the meter I am using for water and ph...i know it sucks a bit but I dont water till it says 1 at three inches deep and 3 at six inches deep...now...I have to remember that i have a five gallon bucket so it doesnt get to the bottom...which I am sure is where all the roots are chillin by now.....so...yeah

