Leaf Curl!! Is my grow too hot? please help ( PICS and + rep! )


Hey guys this is my first grow and i have started off some Shiva Skunk beans.

I have recently moved them into my veg chamber and the temps hit above 29c or 85f

The leaves have curled upwards and I am quite sure it is because of the heat. Either that or too much N but i have only used a soil mix and didnt have the problem until i put them under a 150w MH.

I have managed to get the temps to 25-26c and have more fans coming in the next 2 days to improve airflow and intake/exhaust.

Will these leaves repair or will I have to wait for new growth? I have read a fair bit into it but i am really just looking for some advice to ease my mind as I am very worried about my babies.

No nutes have been added and I have used the same soil mix from seed.

Beans started under 50w CFL in an electric propagator and had no issues.

Humidity is sitting at around 45-55%

Any advice is appreciated, thanks for your time :)

Just so you know I am attempting this in summer in Australia so i know i am going to have trouble with heat but i am running lights on 18/6 turning on at 6 pm and off at 12.

I have an intake that runs outside the shed I am growing in the I am going to attach a PC fan too to bring in more fresh and hopefully cool air and set one up that exhausts the hot air from the top into my Flower Cabinet which is right next to the veg unit.

I will take some more pics of the setup soon to make that a little clearer.



Well-Known Member
70-80 is ideal so yeah, 85 was too hot.

you can make good ventilation with one big exhaust and a passive intake

the metal halide should be around a foot and a half (not sure metric , maybe 1/2 M) away and slowly brought closer. if you give it too much the tops of the plant will turn a bleach color because they're getting too much light


New Member
This plant is under extreme heat stress. When i say extreme, this is probably the worst case of heat-stress i have ever seen on any online forum. The plants leaves cannot restore water and are being to dry to the point where they are turning shiny.

Luckily, you CAN repair this. The plant will repair the damaged leafs. What soil are you using? The leafs look too green and it does also look like a Nitrogen overdose. I transplant to a soil that has no added nutrients or anything in it besides soil. Do not feed the plant any nutrients until the cotyledons die (the first 2 leaves that you got when they sprouted), the cotyledons provide the needed nutrients for the plant, when they die, you can begin using nutrients at 1/4 strength.



So i have checked them again this morning and temps have been pretty stable at around 25-26c or 78f. As i have taken the floor out of my box and they are sitting on the ground this is as cool as i can get it untill my 12v adapters arrive and i can hook up more fans.

I really hope they will pull through, the curling hasn't gotten any worse and they have a bit of new growth ( will post a few pics later )

My leaves are quite a rich green but i dont think they are quite at the point of nitrogen abundance so i wont be transplanting unless the problem gets worse as i feel these babies need a bit of a rest after thier hot spell.

Thinking back on it the temps hit 30c and that was with the thermometer off to the side and not at canopy level so stupid me might have exposed them to 35c or 95f temps.

Oh well mistakes are just a part of this game i guess, and i have definately learned from it.

As far as the overwatering larry i don't believe I am, i didn't water untill the transplant and today is the start of the 3rd day without water, an inch deep there is still residual moisture but not saturation and the pots still need to dry out about 10% before i hit them again ( so probably tonight before bed )

Do you think misting the leaves will help with this curling problem or possibly cause droplet magnification? the 150w MH is over 1.5 ft away.


New Member
For a start, my temp stays at 84-85f when light is on 74f when light is off, anything over 90f is deadly, temp is fine, its either your overwatering or a mag problem, a few of my leaves started curling, nothing calmag didnt solve, with regards to the distance your light is from your plants, I personally dont listen to anyones opinions about this, Its more trial and error, Let your light down at a low but reasonable height and just keep checking to see if all is okay and plants still looking good, 150mh isnt anything powerful to say the least, this is just my opinion obviously you dont have to listen, hope i could help


Well-Known Member
Like said before, 75-85 is a good range to stay in, but you want optimal is 78-81, in middle obvious. So if you're runnin' a little on the high side you'll have to add exhaust or some kind of fan on the inside to cool the bulbs/area down.

For the over watering that was brought up, I do not see any signs of over watering.

I do see what I think is a Nitrogen toxicity, which would cause that dark and glossy look to your leaves. You said you didn't add nutes so I'm guessing the soil mix could have just been a little strong at first for the seedling, but it shouldn't get any worse. Too much N isn't a bad thing unless it starts locking out other nutes.

The seedling looks healthy to me and should just get better from here on out until you have to feed unless you do something wrong until then ;-)