Leaf curl pics. Any help?


Well-Known Member
So I noticed about a week ago that some of my leaves were starting to curl. I was also getting a few little rusty spots on lower foliage. Did some reading and thought that it may be a Cal/Mag deficiency or a PH problem. The water PH is pretty good if I let the water sit over night. Around 6.5. I am using a new soil for this round (Empire Builder). Unfortunitely I dont know the PH of the soil and can not find any info on the net about it. All that Ive heard from the hydro shop is that is might be a little hot. Im not using any nutes so I doubt its burning the leaves but Im not ruling anything out. I supplemented with Cal/Mg 3-4 days ago. Problem is stable if not getting a little worse. Had a few fungus gnats so I took care of those buggers the other day. Flushed them last night and only added one drop of Superthrive to the last gallon of flushing water.

The grow room is a 3x3x6 tent. 400 watt HPS in a vented hood. Temps stay around 80 while lights are on and 65 when off. I think its pretty well ventilated.

Im running two strains. Blueberry Diesel and Larry OG. The problem is way worse with the Larry. Shes a finicky bitch. Had problems with her last time I grew her. Very sensitive. All three pics are of the Larry.

Any help is appreciated and valued.


Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Your light is too close. Put your hand on top of the plant, if the light is more than warm on your hand, it's too hot for the plant.


Well-Known Member
Hugo, You think thats all it is? I thought about that and raised the light to about 16'' above the canopy. Its a little warm but nothing too drastic. Ive had it much closer in the past couple grows with no problem. Are you speaking from experience? Thanks

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Well, you already have Cal/Mag covered, the only other thing I can come up with, besides heat, is a Boron def.

You were closer than 16"? Too close. I just moved my light up to about 20", I was singeing a few leaf tips.
You need a day at the reduced light level before you'll see them perk up.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I put the Cal/Mag in a few days ago and nothing has changed for the good since. Yes, I was at about 12'' away in the last few grows so I had enough light coverage. Temps were around 75. Its been a little warm this week so its been around 80. I will look into the Boron thing.


Well-Known Member
Hugo, why do you think 16'' is too close to foliage? I figured as long as the temps were kosher then the closer the light the better. More lumens per square foot. Am I wrong?


Active Member
if your cab temp is getting to hot this is a problem as well. If it's not heat in any way i have seen plants do that from lack of humidity but first and foremost get a thermometer and take reading from the top of your plant


Well-Known Member
The temp at the canopy is around 80. The humidity is around 50% I dont see either of those being too bad.

The leaves seem a little "soft" to the touch also. It is mainly towards the top of the plant. Could be heat but my tent has been at this temp before a few times with no problems.


Well-Known Member
looks like a Ph probem to me...id check that and then go from there.
I was thinking that it could have be a PH thing. This is my first go around with this new soil. Dont know the PH of the soil. I checked the runoff and it is around 6.5

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Hugo, why do you think 16'' is too close to foliage? I figured as long as the temps were kosher then the closer the light the better. More lumens per square foot. Am I wrong?
- Turns out I was wrong, found the chart, I had misremembered the distances. 16" is fine as long as it's not too hot.
yo, figured it out nit tox your plant is probably gonna root lock on you it happened to me and i pin point it. two things curl ie its releasing salts from the tips and second the dark color leaves i had a buddy tell me to do a ph flush and well they are looking better after 1 day so try that before you "add" any more nutes

happy vegging


Well-Known Member
try that before you "add" any more nutes

happy vegging
I am in the third week of flower and I have not added any strong nutes. I supplemented with some Cal/Mg a few days ago. Ive added a drop of Superthrive during watering. THATS IT!


Well-Known Member
Your light are too close you should have your thermometer hanging at the canopy of your plants, I had the same problem. Thought it was cal/mg too, raised the light it helped, but then I got a potassium def cause I flushed for 1.5 weeks.
Live and Learn


Well-Known Member
your ph seems right, your temps seem right and your humidity is right...soo.....the last thing I can think of is airflow. How much airflow is hitting your plants? Are they whipping around or are the leaves just fluttering? Sometimes people put too much airflow on their plants and conditions can be perfect but the plant cannot absorb nor transpire when too much airflow is hitting them. I had this problem, readjusted my fans and it went away within a week. I really can't think of anything else that can help you as the "taco" effect usually happens when it is too hot,too humid, or not humid enough. Hope you find your solution and good luck!


Well-Known Member
Dude ur leaves look more like one of those carnivorous plants dem venus fly trap things rather than some herb.


Well-Known Member
your ph seems right, your temps seem right and your humidity is right...soo.....the last thing I can think of is airflow. How much airflow is hitting your plants? Are they whipping around or are the leaves just fluttering? Sometimes people put too much airflow on their plants and conditions can be perfect but the plant cannot absorb nor transpire when too much airflow is hitting them. I had this problem, readjusted my fans and it went away within a week. I really can't think of anything else that can help you as the "taco" effect usually happens when it is too hot,too humid, or not humid enough. Hope you find your solution and good luck!
I have one 6'' clip on fan blowing over the canopy and another 6'' fan on the floor blowing up at a slight angle. The leaves are more fluttering than whipping. Air is being forced in through a 175 cfm vortex fan. When you say that it "went away" did the leaves cure themselves or just not progress?

plant prob 003.jpg


Well-Known Member
Dude ur leaves look more like one of those carnivorous plants dem venus fly trap things rather than some herb.
Maybe I crossed these ones with one of them Venus Fly Traps. Helps with the pests. Its a killer strain. :bigjoint: