Leaf Curl


Well-Known Member
I am currently on a 24 hour light cycle right now, have been for the past few weeks. My leafs are starting to curl, does this mean too much heat? I feed twice a day 15 minutes each time. Let me know what the problemo is por favor.



Well-Known Member
by the sounds too much food, i only feed once a week after 3 weeks vegg. are you soil or hydro. feed 15 mins twice a day?wtf


Well-Known Member
Well I just turned the lights off and will begin my 18/6. I have the Baby Bloomer Ebb and Flow system...so hydroponics. If you search under Clamil, you can see my pics on some of the other forums. I deleted the pictures from my camera otherwise I would just import now for ya. I am running my irrigation cycle twice a day at 15 minute intervals with full str nutes. (Is this a mistake?) I have been doing so since they were first cracked out of the shell and they have been fine up until this point. They are pretty big now and they are obviously getting closer to the light, so I am hoping it's just sunburn. I have a oscilating fan, yes. I have the Valuline 400 watt ballast with a MH light on 24 hours, but now 18. I hope it's just heat stress. =(


Active Member
I cant figure out how you post shit in here it is pissing me off please help.I have hydro problems.My plants only have 3 leaves all of them