leaf curling HEEELLP!


Active Member
hi everyone. ive been growing these for about 5-6 weeks at 12/12 from seed and the one pictured(ak47 i think) leaves beganto curl say 5 days ago and im a little concerned. it seem to react bad to the food, (bio-biz. 1ml in 1 litre of water) the other 1 (left) is blue cheese (please correct me if im wrong on the strains) seems fine???? any help would be really appreciated. sorry 4 shitty pics lol



Well-Known Member
They look pretty nice to me... I see the curling... how long did you veg and what size pots are they in now?

The ends are curled so to me that screams RootBound... The other thing that first jumped to mind is over or under watering... but the leaves usually are much MUCH more limp than your case.

For those, I woudn't grow in anything less than 2gal container...

If you worried about the leaves changing... it's normal... your mimiking the fall season, and what happens in the fall, all the leaves change color and fall...

good luck!! I'm no expert, but I hope this helped out a lil' bit!


Well-Known Member
I would check your PH and temperature. Some plants are more sensitive to nutes and PH changes. When in doubt flush and use nutes less often or at fewer PPM.


Active Member
thank you guys. i didnt veg at all. im doing the 12/12 from seed/ Dutch method. i want keep it small, just 4 experiment with 12/12 from seed to see what comes of it! so get bigger pots? btw they both have LOADS of white hairs now so i really wanna see them bud lol


Well-Known Member
Well, I've heard in theory that the more room the roots have to grow, the more the plant will grow i guess... I used 6x6in pots for 2wk vegged plants and didn't seem to use the full space when I dumped them and looked at the roots... I pulled an average of 10-15grams per plant... so... take it as you will, but when in doubt, a bigger pot never hurts... just if you transplanting during flower, be careful that you try not to disturb the roots too much so the plants arn't stunned.


Active Member
thanx alot mate. tbh, i gave them both pure water 2 days ago and the curly one seems to have paused? or slowed alot, the other one is growing rapidly soon be taller than the other. i do have 1 more question, what happens if you use no food just water? will it still bud? thanx again


Active Member
hey again, the curling 1 is real bad now. im very sad lol i repotted and they were a little rootbound but in new bigger pots now and are worse. please help. i dont want her 2 die looool cheers


Well-Known Member
my haze plants always curl, but when done some of the best weed around. It's usually fert related but in my case never hurt the buds or the yield.


Active Member
thank you every1. i will flush, but couple of closing questions, 1. i did 12 12 from seed, so should i just use the flowering stage nutes? (i have 4 veg and flower)and 2. what happens if you grow a plant and use just water all the way through? thanx again