leaf curling prob


Well-Known Member
Hi i've had a heat stress prob just over a week ago , have it sorted but now the leafs are curling and even one leaf in a complete circle.

The plants are on day 3 of flowering and have been growing like fk for the last week,
They were on .50ec last week and ive had to keep rising it to now i have it at 1.22 now but looks to me the plants want more nutes? or have they had to little?

the ph is 5.5 and growing og kush in nft trays hydroponics
any help is greatly app



You should post a pic of the whole plant or give the height of them?
So this is just a guess possible under feeding of nutes cause of .50 E.C. is what
350 ppm's? This isn't much for a plant in flowering.


Well-Known Member
yeah the nute were .50 a week ago odd cause the plants were small half the size, the plants now wouldnt be a foot wide