Leaf damage?


Active Member
Anyone know what is causing this?

13 days, no damage.

20-21 days. I am pretty sure its not bugs but other then that I am left guessing.



Well-Known Member
hey brainfart ,,,,I've never seen that ,,but it sure does look like the result of some kind of bug.....have you got a magnifying devise of some kind.... I would get one and really look for those little suckers...what ever they are


Active Member
The main reason I dont think its bugs is that I noticed the damage several days ago and it keeps getting worse, and I have never heard of a case where a bug only ate from one spot over and over.


Active Member
There is no sign of necrosis on that leaf or any other leaf, and no pets...it HAS to be something eating your leaf. Maybe it's just not occupying the leaf when you look?

That was what I assumed as well but if that's the case whatever it is keeps going back to the same leaf since it started off small and got worse, I had assumed that if it was a bug the damage would not be limited to one spot.


Active Member
That was what I assumed as well but if that's the case whatever it is keeps going back to the same leaf since it started off small and got worse, I had assumed that if it was a bug the damage would not be limited to one spot.
My guess would be some sort of caterpillar...they are great at hiding themselves. I had one munching on one of my plants early this past spring (when they were outside), and oddly enough - that one stuck to munching on only one leaf too. He'd go back to the stem to hide (that's where I found him).


Active Member
My guess would be some sort of caterpillar...they are great at hiding themselves. I had one munching on one of my plants early this past spring (when they were outside), and oddly enough - that one stuck to munching on only one leaf too. He'd go back to the stem to hide (that's where I found him).

Well I didn't find a caterpillar, but I did find a box elder bug! The internet says they normally don't eat/mess with house plants but if its not the box elder bug then I have no clue what else it could be, anyone have any knowledge about box elder bugs and weed plants?