New Member
I have two gg4s and a blue dream on the start of week 5. I flushed friday because I was pretty sure my ph was too high. Started seeing what I thought was magnesium and calcium deficiency. I through down some dolomite lime and feed them. Come sunday I saw a nice little change in my girls but the discoloration was getting a worse. I added some epson salt to their water along with cal/mag as usual. Two days later and they are perky as can be, still there though. This is one of my gg4. This looks like calcium to me. Now my second gg4 looks pretty normal beside up until the flush all of her pistils were bleach white. It looked nothing like the other one. Much bigger buds covered it stark white pistils. They have started to take on some color now. Anyway.....anybody have some knowledge to share? Please.......