This is what I’m working with at the moment, it’s only 30cm x 60cm x 60cm(height) so I’m gonna have to move it sometime if it actually grows, although not a lot of options space wise . @TreeFarmerCharlie
Cmon JackMiggles! Giving a single plant enough light is actually super easy. Fork up some cash for an led and you'll be wishing you did it sooner! You could have a nice fixture sent to your door within a few days if you wanted.
Watering all depends on how often the soil requires watering and it will be different for everyone, I will tell you a pro tip- take a long bamboo squewer and put it down into the dirt until only 1 inch sticks out of the soil. Leave it in the dirt all the time. If you are wondering if you should water, pull the stick out and feel it. Feel it at the bottom middle and top, if the stick is soaking wet- don’t water. This will get you to know how long it takes for your soil to become dry.
See if you can get those lights to be above and better pointing to the plant. The light on the right is not shining on the plant enough.
As for increasing humidity, you could put the plant and those 2 lights underneath that desk and wrap Saran Wrap or clear plastic all around it and create a little green house. Is that a cold basement floor or a warm upstairs room?