Active Member
Ok, long time smoker, first time grower here. This is all i've done: i bought an already growing plant medically (i have a license) and i threw it in a pot, watered it, and put some lights on it. i have three lamps pointed at it (it's just one plant), two lamps with 60 watt plant light bulbs and one lamp with a bigger wattage one...i think maybe 120 or something. i have the plant on a 12/12 cycle and it seems to be growing fine, but on of my leaves is sying. one arm of it appears to have died altogether:it is brown and dry, and now more of the arms on the same leaf are dying. it doesn't seem to be affecting the other leaves or the plant, but i need to know if maybe i'm doing something wrong? or maybe my setup is bad? someone give me some easy help that can be applied to just one plant.