Leaf growing a leaf!!! You gotta see this!!!


Well-Known Member
that a leaf or a branch? not exactly sure what im looking at you but may have kind of LSTed that baby. Looks like it might be trying to grow some branches or leaves out of other branches to use up as much light as possible... this is a good thing btw


Well-Known Member
Hmm... looks like a stalk is attached to that leaf stem. Where the others are going straight up, it is attached to the leaf stem. Wierd.


Well-Known Member
that leaf looks split up the stem. weird.

did you slice it and put rooting hormone on it or something?


Well-Known Member
i didn't get hormone on them. they grew like this before i cloned them. i saw what looked like a split too, i didn't do it. i have 2 clones and both have a corresponding set of these leaves. only one set on each clone and they are at the same nodes on each branch.. wierd huh????


Well-Known Member
haha huh. that is really weird. idk anymore.. I would think its a good thing though.. trying to use up all the light it can. weird.