Leaf hiding?


Well-Known Member
I gotta tell you-your username is tops! So I see what you are saying-looks like there is a couple things going on. First off, I see some chlorine burn-the very light teeny tip burn-leave your water out a couple days to let the chlorine evaportae some.
Second, I see the mature growth on the bottom of the plant, and now see the immature gwoth. I have seen this only one time, and I use clones exclusively. It actually grew to about 4 feet with only 3 fingered leaves. I threw it away out side and she tried to keep growing. Next time try taking the clones at a different time. I like to do either couple days before or couple days into flowering. It looks like you may have taken them too latw in flowering and now they are actually revegging clones which would explain it going back to absolute immaturity.
Looks like def could use some more light. You may want to FIM her in 2 weeks or so b/c she looks like she is going to want to stretch out too much.

as for the nutes, you gotta be gentle with them just like seedlings to a degree. I dont see any real nute problems or overwatering. 1/4 strength should do it. also, you may want to give a tad of bloom formula.
Looks like your humidity could be off as well.

all in all, they look just ok for now, which isnt the worst they can look. like someone posted, clones can be finicky.
Bagseed or online seeds?
Wow great analysis... The clones were not taken off the plant in flower - but in preflower - I promise. . They did get stretched because I had the light far away due to heat problem but that problem is now fixed.. Humidity is definitely off - but im getting that fixed too.

What is FIM?

Definitely gotta be careful with the nutes. And yes!! CLones are so finicky! How much light should I give them while they are rooting - ive been having problems with that. They were online seeds, but the parents had some nute problems before I took them.