Leaf problem? Grow problem thread didnt quite answer it


Active Member
Hey everyone. Okay, so i already looked at the list of plant problems, and this one to me doesnt quite add up...

Here are the full details:
- I have two plants, both are about 4 inches out of the soil now (were larger but they stretched to much and i burried them deeper
- I water them both around once a day, but just enough for them to absorb
- the containers are 1 gallon at least
- i JUST put miracle grow moisture control potting soil in the containers on saturday night
- i have the lights at an 18/6 scedual

Now, in the picture below, one of my leaves is turning a yellow/orange color in the middle... im not quite sure what could be the cause though.

some things i can think of that may have caused it is strange light cycle... on sunday night the light was on for for about 24 hours.. then they had about 2 hours of dark, and then light again for 1around 16-17 hours to even it out. LAST NIGHT though, i turned the light off at 12, and the light back around 6:30 ish...

thats the only real thing i can think of asides possibly not enough light on that leaf? i am using one grow light on the two, with the help of a fluorescent bulb on them. the light hits both plants, but its not the same as having 2 seperate lights on each plant for sure... its about 3-4 inches away from the plants. it is definately groing them, but maybe its possible that the light isnt hitting the one leaf enough and its drying out???

heres a pic of the leaf


that pic is minor damage, nothing to worry about unless is starts spreading rapidly.. a few things you should do...

water thourglly once, and do not water again until the pot is dry to the bottom.

if that "grow bulb" is an incandescent bulb, remove it, and get stronger florescents, or your plant will continue to stretch and be prone to many more problems.


Active Member
oh crap!! that was something i definately overlooked... i knew it was an incandescent, but i assumed since it was a grow bulb, it would work for the plants. right now all i have is a 13 watt CF... what minimum watt cf would u recommend? i can have 2 max, one from a lamp and one from a suspended light... it just kinda clicked to me that i smoke in this room with the door closed, A LOT, so i should definately kill that habit a lot... overall, i think i can save these plants n all, i just gota work fast... im scared to take the incandescent bulb off for too long because it may screw up the plants.... i meen, yeah theyre strong... theyve made it through three transfers in the last 3 weeks, and i have my AC on full blast every so often...

the main thing i dont get is.. its a grow light, but its incandescent? it says it has a FULL daylight spectrum, so... i duno?

I also found a lightbulb by GE thats blue tinted... would that help it better? i know it says on the box that it makes plants look healthier and crap, but i duno what that meens exactly.... oh well, but thatks so much! ive been wondering about the incandescent bulb for quite some time... im probably going to just used two 13 watt compact floursecents and then buy a tube floursecent this weekend


Well-Known Member
Highest I've seen at WalMartish type stores are 42 watts. 30-42w would do you for now. The more the better.


oh crap!! that was something i definately overlooked... i knew it was an incandescent, but i assumed since it was a grow bulb, it would work for the plants. right now all i have is a 13 watt CF... what minimum watt cf would u recommend? i can have 2 max, one from a lamp and one from a suspended light... it just kinda clicked to me that i smoke in this room with the door closed, A LOT, so i should definately kill that habit a lot... overall, i think i can save these plants n all, i just gota work fast... im scared to take the incandescent bulb off for too long because it may screw up the plants.... i meen, yeah theyre strong... theyve made it through three transfers in the last 3 weeks, and i have my AC on full blast every so often...

the main thing i dont get is.. its a grow light, but its incandescent? it says it has a FULL daylight spectrum, so... i duno?

I also found a lightbulb by GE thats blue tinted... would that help it better? i know it says on the box that it makes plants look healthier and crap, but i duno what that meens exactly.... oh well, but thatks so much! ive been wondering about the incandescent bulb for quite some time... im probably going to just used two 13 watt compact floursecents and then buy a tube floursecent this weekend
the incandescent puts off too much heat- yes it's a "grow bulb", basically they make it put off more usable spectrums of light - it still outputs alot of infra red light, and more heat than is worth, the 42 watt cfl's are perfect, you can veg 1 plant with just one of them... your closet is going to need more ventalation no mater how many lights you get.


Active Member
awesome. its not my closet, its actually my room. theyre in the right corner next to my cmputer desk, but there is definately a lot of ventilation during the day. its mainly when i wanna cool off that i close the door so my ac can work full effect... over all though, the ventilation is fine i would say long as i keep my window or door open.

as for cf's, how much to they go for? around 30-45 watt? i have a 13 and 14 watt both goin for right now


Well-Known Member
lol, shadow you must have some hell of a green thumb, i dunno about the rest of RIU, but i haven't heard of anyone even attempting to grow in a room where there'ss smoke at times. lol, and the incandescent, i wouldn't worrrry too much, raise it a foot or so and use it for extra light, and keep ur cfls down low. that's what I did, and it seemed to work alright, but you def. need MORE cfl WATTAGE! big time. you need at LEAST two 42 watt CFL bulbs, preferably 2 per plant, three even would work.
peace out, and good luck on ur gro. keep us posted.
hi ive got 4 plants in my closet ive got the proper silver stuff with polistyreen behind it ..im useing a 70 watt sodium ...the plants are about a week old they were cuttings.. im getting a 400 watt bulb soon will the 70 watt buld do for now