Leaf problem help please

Dr High

Well-Known Member
yes i am, Pink 8-12-6 1 third recomended. you think the ferti is the deal? i could dig it out i guess.


Well-Known Member
no i was just wondering, I use hydro and I had some leaves curl like that. That looks more like over watering. Thats my guess, hydro guy though so not completely sure. The spots might me nute burn though. It appears that your plants are tall, so if its only happening to the bottom leaves, I wouldnt worry about it. How do the top leaves look.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
up to now there starting too, i removed the nutes and i put more perlite i re transplanted to air it out little more, i didnt hav perlite in my garden soil.

Dr High

Well-Known Member
it suffered quite a bit! but its getting alright now. its got brown lighter outsides to the leaves now. itll teach me to put fert close to the roots. GRRR i have 10 going outside anyways so no stress.


Well-Known Member
The plant is using up it's stored nutes.
This will happen with age of the plant.
The lower leaves will do as you have described and then they will eventually dry up and fall off.

No big whoop.

Do not worry unless it multiplies and spreads up the plant.
As long as it stays at the bottom you straight.