Leaf Problems- Help!!!


Active Member
Hey everybody. i'm new to the forum and this is my first time growing. As there are so many great growers on the forum i figure that i will start taking advantage of the forum.

First off the temperature in the room is at 75 degrees at 63% humidity. The seed was planted in roots organics. I planted this lady on April 25th and I have had a few problems. The first problem I'm not worried about. I took the plant outside to early and she got burned by the sun. I will remove the bottom nodes that were burned once the plant develops a bit more. I have learned from that and it won't happen again. I now have a problem with the leaves.The tips of the leaves are curling down which i believe is a nitrogen problem but i'm not sure. The last problem is that the fan leaves are twisting backwards.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.



looks like nute burn... try flushin them with clean water no nutes the other looks like its been over watered no nute burn really


Well-Known Member
nitrogen toxicity, either cut off nitrogen feeding, or flush. what kind of soil/nutes are you using? also im assuming that you havent been overwatering.


Active Member
it hasn't recieved any nutes yet. It has just been getting water and was planted in roots organic original. I have cut back on watering now doing it every 3 days until i experience 20% runoff. It's under a mars2 700w and it is 10 inches away from the LED.


Well-Known Member
yeah but you couldve recieved a hot batch of soil, ie the nutrients that comprise the soil may be a little hot for that particular seedling. that may be a little close for such a powerful led. i have a 90 watt and my girl can barely stand it within 12-14 inches away, especially when it was in its seedling stage. watering sounds good but make sure shes thirsty before you water, dont water just because "its time". as i said before though, im sure itll be fine, you may want to do a formal flush, because it does look like youve got some pretty bad nitro toxicity, if you choose not to im sure itll come out of it with just plain water with the 20% runoff.


Active Member
So i just tested the pH of the soil and it is around 7.7. Therefore, i'm going to give it a flush in about 2 days since the soil is still moist. I'm going to flush it with 3 gallons of water that is pH'd at about 5.5. Hopefully that will balance the pH around 6.5ish as well as dilute some of the nitrogen in the soil.