Leaf problems - yellow & rusty spots older leaves dying


Active Member
those recent pics look EXACTLY what my plant looks like, cept its only about 3 weeks old. cant figure out what's wrong either. pretty sure its not spider mites either, my eyes are pretty good and i cant see anything. tried every other trick in the book, flushing, nuting, pH is fine, i'm pulling my hair out man i feel for ya. do your spots start looking a greyish color, then turn to yellow brown? then the leaf loses chlorophil? goes completely yellow and then dries up and dies? i was thinking like a virus or somehting, maybe even bacterial or fungal, im at my wits end

the only other thing i can think of is that ive smoked a couple times in my grow room, but surely 5 mins of smoke exposure cant be catastropic??


Active Member
OK now this is wierd,,which also leads me to believe it is a over nute issue rather than a mite issue which I am praying.. I have 2 mother plants that I have right in the same area which I am also flowering. These 2 mothers are about twice the size as all the others.. The 2 mother plants are untouched,,not as much as a dot on any of the leaves,,yet all the others have dots and have leaves drying and dying.... My nebula plants were noticably last to be affected and are not as bad as all the others..I am stumped.. When I flushed the last 2 waterings I did not use epsom salts,,just water and molasses.,As soonas I watered with 1/3 nute solution yest,,things became alot worse today,,, Not sure what the next move should be.. I just sprayed the plants down with a scotts insecticide that an expierenced friend of mine uses for his mites, just as a precaution..if it is mites and I just can't see them,Id rather be safe then sorry..any further input would be greatly appreciated..


Well-Known Member
yea man for some reason i keep thinking mites, but u say there is none. i dont think its a over nute ur ppms are pretty low i think for the stage ur in, just to be safe man i would go and buy some FoxFarm "Dont Bug Me" this shit works great its about 10 bucks at my hydro store depending on how many plants u got buy as many is needed but i would spray those plants down just in case top the leafs and UNDER the leafs make sure ur plants are soaking in it then let it dry then spray them down with water repeat this about 3-4 times a week and if they are mites or anyother bug u wont have a problem anymore.

Spidermites are VERY hard to see there little basterds am 19 i got great eyes but sometimes u just cant see them man. if u got a 30X microscope us that and check them.

other than that man i really dont know


Help... first time grower. yellow spots turning into rusty looking spots. It started out with just the tips turning brown on the older fan leaves, now the yellow spots are showing on alomst all of the leaves. Plants are growing in a closet with 400W HPS lamp & fan. I was fert'ng every other day with 19-24-24 at one fourth recommend strength. I stopped fert'ng about 10 days ago. I've gone to plain water every other day for the past week now. I think I'm about two weeks to harvest... What should I do??
Don't know how dry your climate is where you live but every other day seems to often, your problem could be over watering. Good luck