Leaf Rooted


I managed to get a leaf off my White Widow mother to root, it has a root ball about the size of a golf ball. It has been transplanted to a pot of its own & gets everything it needs, but It hasnt shot off new shoots, grew, or changed AT ALL in the past month and a half. But it is still alive. Have any of you guys ran into a "dormant" plant?? Seems like it doesnt know what to do? Is this maybe from trying to clone off a leaf?? :confused:


Well-Known Member
you just cloned the leaf.

that is your problem.

if you intended to grow a new plant, you would need to clone one of the growing shoots.

I've seen people root leaves on this forum before. they are able to root, nothing ever happens after that though.


Well-Known Member
yes, it is from cloning the leaf haha i also tried this back when i started growing, then the plant i took a bunch of these "clones" off ended up smelling like sushi and not getting you high, dont cut those leaves off, i found out the hard way a few years back that it will ruin your plant :p


Well-Known Member
okay, think about it. when you clone your just continuing to grow whatever you cut off as soon as it roots. if you cut of a growing branch, you get a growing plant. if you clone a fan leaf, you get a fan leaf.