Well-Known Member
I maybe run my 750/1500 watt heater an hour a day tops on a cold day and never during lights on. I mean you did say you did not want want to run that heater that much and it's a 200 watt heater so that would tell me your counting pennies. And yes you did tell me before I fully remember. The plants will still grow it just won't be optimal until the warm weather hits. And cold shocking them isn't the greatest thing either but again they'll be fine. Also if the shed is that cold unless your running 24 hours a day (which I think you are can't remember) then there's no way that heater is only running 3 hours per day.
yeah. Should totally stuff a 1500w heater in a 3x3……..
and yeah. Pretty sure it only runs for a collective of 3 hours a day. Okay. Maybe 4 hours total… I’ve been able to see it run through out a day. Kicks on for about 10 mins every hour or so.
a 200w works fine for me. If not better than an over rated Wattage heater for my application. If I had a bigger foot print, sure an oil heater would be much better
not that worried about shocking them or fucking up the run from temperature issues. I’m killing them in other ways like lock out and other deficiencies

actually cutting down the Sour Stomper and Skywalker tonight if I have the time