leaf tip burn on both upper and lower leaves


Hello everybody

This is my first grow and I lack some knowledge thanks to you guys I’m doing great everything is going ok whenever I experience a problem you guys give me the solution if it wasn’t for that I think my plants will be dead now so from all my heart thanks all.

Please advise on the cause of the burn on the tip of both upper and lower leaves


Well-Known Member
A light tip burn is gonna be ok, you need to scale back your nutes though, it looks like you're overdoing it on Nitrogen for how freaking green your plant is.


Looks very dark green.
A light tip burn is gonna be ok, you need to scale back your nutes though, it looks like you're overdoing it on Nitrogen for how freaking green your plant is.
i think the dark green color is from the flash

here some other pics



New Member
i think they actually look pretty healthy tbh...remember its a plant not a barbie doll, its not going to be 100% poster perfect. I honestly don't think you have anything to worry about with that, try not to micromanage too much, if those tips do start burning further up, start having a think a bit more about your regime, but for your first grow, props man, just don't over-think it too much.