Leaf tip yellowing on top leaves of 1 month old White Widow.

In the past couple days one of my five white widow fems has started to develop tip yellowing on the new growth. The plants are 32 days old since ground break, this one about 11 inches tall with tight node to node growth; organic grow with occassional alternate feeds of compost and manure tea. They were transplanted about a week ago. Gave them a diluted manure tea 4 days ago. This is only plant showing this yellowing.

Would excess nitrogen cause this? Thinking about letting them go more dry before watering and stopping tea applications. Good air circulation, low 70s room temp, 30k lumens exposure.




Pointing towards a Boron def but I am not 100% so please do not do anything until others have chimed in.
I am surprised to hear that as the soil is only a couple weeks in use and I made it from home compost and a couple commercial soils. I have some micro nutes in chemical form but want to be sure before adding a weak solution. Why the other plants are not showing this same symptom is perplexing.

Things were going fantastic til the transplant. I hope this grow does not become a struggle.


Well-Known Member
I am surprised to hear that as the soil is only a couple weeks in use and I made it from home compost and a couple commercial soils. I have some micro nutes in chemical form but want to be sure before adding a weak solution. Why the other plants are not showing this same symptom is perplexing.

Things were going fantastic til the transplant. I hope this grow does not become a struggle.
That's why I said not to do anything. I just basically started searching your symptoms and Boron def fit it most. I am not the expert though.